(no subject)

Jun 15, 2012 01:54

Gosh, haven't posted in ages! So this is me being still alive ^^

What am I up to? I should be finishing my diploma thesis approximately till October. FAT CHANCE of that happening...
other than that I finally have a highly underpaid job as proofreader for an ad agency. At least I have social insurance.
I'm also up to some writing again after what feels like AGES. Silly gay pirate-porn but I enjoy it which is all that matters, really.

In between I read - otterdance's Casket of Souls, which is lovely so far, some Stephen Fry yet again, must be the 7th or so. And loads of research materials concerning pirates and seafaring.

And then I watch Fringe. Looking forward to the new season of Futurama.

oh and I admit, I have a tumblr. Not that I would post more if I didn't spend time over there but I read less here since creating a tumblr account. But I miss lj. So here I am. :)

rl, writing

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