Oct 22, 2004 20:07
okay. no morals. i got it.
hmm another chapter entitled from the crazy things me and my fam do. (this was me) okay so i was staying after school today for seminar and duet practice. and then my mom told me to take the bus home cuz she'd take me to the 'amazing maize maze' from my house. and then she told me to check my msgs before the end of school to make sure that my taking the bus was still in the plan. well, i didnt check my msgs. anyway, i got out late from duet practice. and my bus was pulling out of the loop. i'm like nooooooooooooooooooo and i run to get it. and then i get on the bus. and i'm like 'whoa that was too close' and i'm all relieved. then glo goes 'wait, isnt that your mom' and i'm like wtf are you talking about. but theres my mom parked in the front loop, running toward the bus. so then i have to get off the bus. and i had amazingly caught it. all my running skills for naught. anywayz, mum was pissed cuz i hadnt checked my msgs... oops.