I thwap you in the name of all things Tolkien!

Nov 10, 2003 21:44

I'm not the only evil one! I'm not the only evil one! I'm not the only evil one!

I told you guys that I was not the only sister susceptible to evil, but did you guys ever listen? Oh, no. Every time that I would accidentally come down with a case of The Badassness, what would you say? "Oh, it's okay...that's just Phoebe...she gets evil sometime because her past lives were spent in more sin that the kids on that Real World show on MTV. Well, look which sister was wearing the evil dead animal pants this week? I am not a horrible person! I knew it!

No, I'm not gloating. Not at all. I'm just relieved that, you know, I'm not the only one who kinda sorta sometimes gets a little....well, you know....evil.

Oh, hey in other news...Excalibur....well....it might be....

Yeah, it's real. I didn't know this. And well, based on my professional understanding of this prior to learning it was real....I thought it was all animated like the Disney movie. Then, I was doing an Amazon search last night trying to find some of the...not Disney stuff, and I found out that this guy named Sir Thomas Malory wrote about the Arthurian legends. When I checked with Piper, she said that I apparently read excerpts from it when I was in high school. I'm sorry. All I can remember about high school is that I gave many....tutoring sessions underneath the bleachers. And I don't think that we ever brought any books with us under said bleachers, so I don't think Malory got himself involved.

Anyway, long story short...Excalibur exists. I resisted the temptation to try to reenact Lord of the Rings with the shiny shiny sword. Then again, there is the small problem of the huge huge boulder is it attached to...in the attic. Other than that, though...I would so be like "Orcs diiiie! Save the hobbits!" I wonder if I am the only one with this urge. Maybe I'll walk around to everyone and mention casually that the third movie is coming out soon, and see if anyone's feelings skip to "Wow, we could so use Excalibur for a reenactment." .........Yeah.

I'm sorry if I seem overly chipper, but I've had a hell of a weekend...first my sister is nearly mortally wounded, and then....God...Wyatt....

He's just a baby and has more on his little shoulders than most will have in a lifetime.

The only way I can handle this without sitting down and crying is trying to laugh about it. I've had too many nights with tears on my pillow to spend another like that. I need to be Fun Aunt Phoebe, Queen of the Dorky Movie Reenactments with Sharp Priceless Historical Antiques.

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