Mar 12, 2006 23:23
Sometimes Life can be so good to you....
thank you Lord for letting me get out of that awful pit
and bringin me into this light
I finally finished this poem I made awhile ago like last year aboiut my dad...
its sad but it helps me get some bad blood of my back about him...
I just want to sit back and watch as my soul floats in to deep darkness,
while my consiousness fades out as my thoughts go on without facts proving them,
sit back,
ur day grows near....,
ur task will come,
ur task to be held in a casket...,
rot in hell,
Sins overcoming u,
and causing ur demise,
bleeding from ur EYES!
This Pain I have Felt For TOO LONG....
When all these years we've asked "Where is your sense of Right and Wrong",
It's Gone,
The only thing keeping you alive now is your brawn....
The unknown games u played were sick and sadistic,
Do you think the emotions felt were everything simplistic,
Your Wrong,
All the problems make friends pessimistic.
Why am I asking for you to die?,
When all that will cause is me to cry,
and as you know sometimes the hardest thing to do is say good-bye,
I remember....
When all is said and done, even when death is near,
We'll be together, issues will die, and the cause of your problems will be discovered
Thank you Lord for letting him persevere...
As the evil within you is purged,
The feeling of the demonic need is urged,
And all that was purged, you are now in and submerged,
Because you gave in...
It's like You and Him are have now merged,
Don't let It Happen!...
You were purged, and It was thought to be released,
It never dies and will never be deceased,
Powered by the toxin within you, It's a beast.
Overcome IT!
You fight it time to time and You think IT's been defeated,
So You get help and You get treated,
But IT just hides within You, IT's life force not depleted.
Undefeated?....No It has been.....and not cheated.
So why does IT always rear IT's head when we all think IT's dead,
IT has nothing to do but make people feel IT's Dread,
So For the past years in life you have battled and become scarred,
but The Battles will never end, and will continue being No Holds Barred.
So continue on in your life oh Father of mine,
I'll continue to love you and not speak of you malign