Title: Return to the Desert - Part 1 Series: Dune Rating: PG-13 Summary: This story takes place towards the end of Sandworms of Dune. Paul and Chani are reunited and make plans to return to the desert.
Yep! :) They come back as gholas, as well as a lot of famous characters from the first few novels. You need to read the rest of the series. The first three are my favorite too, but I always wanted to know how it ended. My favorite book is Dune Messiah and Dune. They are both so wonderful, but I like Dune Messiah the best. I'm reading Paul of Dune now. It's pretty good too!
Thank you, thank you!! :) I'm glad you liked it. I really tried to stay close to the characters. Thanks so much for reading.
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Thank you, thank you!! :) I'm glad you liked it. I really tried to stay close to the characters. Thanks so much for reading.
Thank you!!!
So friending you, hope that's OK. :P
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