Been a busy week. Thought I was done with those when I got out of Wolfram & Hart. Not that I didn't expect not to have things to do that. But life as Angel Investigations is usually slower than life as Wolfram & Hart.
All started on Tuesday when I got an emergency SOS from
Lorne. Seems that while he was doing his world tour, some nasty was tracking him down and killing the people that got in its way. A couple
slayer types, plus
Giles and
Andrew rounded him up and were holding him hostage. Course, I knew it couldn't be Lorne -- Hulk smash subconscious and all, Lorne's a pussycat, by his own definition. So I had
Morrigan shimmer me over there, as it was fastest, and made my case.
Helped that the big nasty attacked while Lorne was tied up at Council Headquarters. So we rounded up a posse of a few Slayers, most of which were eager to get their slay on, and tracked it down.
Posse of Slayers plus one vampire against a big nasty demon? No contest.
Flew back home again with Lorne after that. Things are odd with Lorne. Wish they didn't have to be. But I had him do what needed to be done. (Ended up not mattering anyway, since
McDonald is now a perma-pain in my ass. The Senior Partners have a funny, funny sense of humor.)
Got back in town and oddly enough, haven't seen much of anyone else. Well, not that I see much of
Dennis much anyway, him being invisible and all.
Gunn's apparently been volunteering in the
shelter that's moved in downstairs. The less I see of
Illyria, the happier I am, but I do sort of miss
And Morrigan, oddly enough. Gotten used to having her around the office, but according to
Turner, she took off in a hurry after getting enthralled by some fear demon or something.
If it's not one thing, it's another, around here.
//firewalled against everybody but Morrigan
Understand if you don't want to do anything now. But maybe next week sometime we could . . . maybe go out and do something? If you feel like it? Later? You don't have to let me know now. Just . . . maybe think about it. Okay? Okay.
//end firewall