May 15, 2004 22:48
no1 will prolly understand ne of this shit or care but oh well..
Ahh..this weekend so far was good and bad..only im so confused. i dont know what to do anymore, nothing is that great in my life and nothing is worth living for..i dont even know who my true friends are anymore =/ no1 really understands me and no1s there for me when i need them most. It's lik everyones moving on w/ their life and i just stuck and not moving, always depressed and not even fun to be around. i dont wanna be that person anymore. i wanna be one who moves on and just has fun and ignores all the bad things in life but i dont know how to..someone changed me at the begining of this year and made me a better person but now w/o them im stuck and i dont know how to just forget the fuking past lik i used to do..
ya umm i hate everything right about now