Dec 11, 2005 21:36

okay SO. I have a test tomorrow. In psychology (which I am thinking about switching my major to... whaaat?) and I am drinking coffee. and I am kind of jittery right now. which may be from the large coffee. or it may from the aderol I took an hour and a half ago. mmmmm speed. whatever I need to get good gradesss. plus, I just enjoy aderol. and i dont care what you say.

I shoulddd be getting atleast a B in this psych class. Well.. definitely a B. If I do good on this test I could possibly get a B+.. which would be pretty raddd. and then I'm gonna get a B+ in english cause FUCK SETH PARKER for not ever giving me above a B+ on an essay... there is NO way that I should getting B+'s on his stupid essays when I was getting B's in Keenan's class last year and that was 20 times harder. but oh well.. I guess thats college.. he's still one of the most amusing men I have ever met and I will miss that random class. I am going to get an A in spanish most DEFINITELY (I hope). If my History TA wasnt a fucking BITCHASS CUNT I shouldddd be getting a better grade in that class but I'm hoping I pull off a B... but she doesnt like me and she corrects our tests and I got an 84 on one and 78 on the other and I have one left that I want to do realllyyyy well on and then 25% of our grade is particapation in the discussions group and of course I dont participate because A). I have nothing to say and B) I'm usually extremely hungover from Thursday nights since it IS at 9:05 am. ridiculous I tell you. Communications I hopefully can get an A- if I study my ASS off for the final cause I got an 88 on the midterm and I get like 25+ points for attendance but I dont really know how he works that in to the grading process. So I'm thinking I should be fine as long as I get like an 85 on the final I will get a B definitely, if not an A if he counts the points a lot or something I dont knoooow.

okay now that you all skipped over that paragraph about my grades (because who really cares? I dont. I just felt like writing it all out instead of thinking about it in my head... it was easier)

I get to go HOMEEEE in TWOOOO daysssss! WEDNESDAY I will have my shit alllll packed up and be out of here by 4 pm... unless I want to stay the night and celebrate the last day of classes with my peeps. but... probably not. I am driving back up here on Friday at 10:30 for a final though, and then again on Saturday for a final at 10:30 as well. (WHYYY FINALS ON A SATURDAY?) oh well some people have finals till the 22nd and that REALLY SUCKS and I'm glad I dont cause then I would miss CHRISMUKKAH!!!! AND that simply CANNOT happen.

I was supposed to start working the 19th but with thoughtful consideration.. and the wise words of Tim Collins.. I've decided to take that week off and relax, work on my SYCUSE application and probably do all my shopping and start working after Christmas. Chrismukkuh also played a role in this thought process because if I worked that week I would be working till 4:30 and I would be soo late and that just cant happen. right? right.

uhmmm okay time to get down to business.

scholars make dollars kids, scholars make dollars.
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