its that sort of thing that makes you think too much

Nov 05, 2005 21:21

its been forever. I'm hating school more and more each day. dont get me wrong, I love the people I have met. I love my dorm. I love my friends here. The girls are all amazing. My classes arent too bad. I mean my english teacher is insane (Seth) and I could teach my spanish class better than my current teacher (Lester from Honduras)but its not terrible. I'm doing pretty well grade-wise, but I could be doing better. There is just something missing though. I dont know what it is. This school just isnt for me.

I decided I'm changing my major to education. I really want to be a teacher. a third grade teacher. I always have. and yeah, I would love to get into advertising or marketing or something...but thats so hard to get in to, and its such a big thing now that I dont want to come out of college and not be able to find a job. and I dont know, I just have this feeling that I really wnat to be a teacher and I dont know why. I know they dont make the most money, but if you dont teach somewhere like springfield, its not so bad. plus, I plan on marrying for money anyways haha justttt kidding

so along with switching my major, i need to switch schools. i just dont know where to go yet. I need a job. I am so stressed out about money. its kind of unreasonable for me to switch schools because I have no money to pay for it, but I'll figure it out.

I had not so great of a weekend. Well, thursday night was horrible, but friday was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG. Meg and I went to UMASS Dartmouth and visited kerry. it was incredible and so much fun. I had such a great time with those girls, being completely retarded and eating and drinking and laughing and yeaaaaah. there are no words. Then saturday night I hung out with erin for awhile, we ordered dominos and watched sex and the city and talked. i miss her. or, I miss our friendship. I hate when relationships change.

Speaking of relationships, i totally fucked myself (umm almost literally haha)with a really important relationship. i dont know what to do. he wont talk to me. these are the first 2 days in like 2 years that we havent talked everyday pretty much. I swear. I miss it so much, and its only been 3 days. I hate crying. I dont cry over boys. I AM a boy.. i dont have emotions. but this just sucks so much. its all I can think about. and that means a lot. I'm not usually like this.

the beatles make me feel better.

I gotta go get ready to watch grey's anatomy and wish I was smart enough to be a doctor.
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