Jun 07, 2005 17:43
Wow i havent updates in a while
Thursday the 2nd
Nicole and Kevin came over. We played dodgeball and capture the football with
After we had a waterballoon fight. i accidentally spilt a bucket of water that was suppose to hit kevin on me. yea so i soaked myself.
Friday the 3rd
Spent the nite in the tent at ashleys. we hada blast. we needed to find chocolate casue we watned to smores so we started walking around at like 11 or 12 am lookin for som1 to give us chocolate. after we told ashleys neighbors friends that sarah was a spend. lol i thik they believed us. after we watched spider man! i fell asleep. at about 5am the sprinklers turned on and we all woke up. so we called her mom on the cell and she turned them off. went back to sleep.
Woke up roasting! god was it hott n the tent! we gott out and put our bathing suits on at like 9. we didnt jump on the trampoline or nething till bout 1030 cause ashleys mom went to the stroe n got doughnuts. they were yummy!! after we ate we filled up water balloons. well they werent just waterballoons..they were the one u use for partys!
LATER we went to sarahs party n played kickball like the whole time. after me n ash went to kmart got some stuff and went back in the tent.
did nothing really cause ashley left to go to her aunts. soo thats sunday!
School. lit circles baiscally it. o yeah after school me ashley samrah kyle n trevor went in kyle n trevors pool and swam like for 3hours. it was kinda fun!
School. nothing. suppose to go swimming but we couldnt. doing nothing now. bored. call me??
Im sooooooooooooo srry! i hope u forgive me!!!