Apr 16, 2005 21:21
Thursday-School boy was that just SOOO fun!
Friday-Went to Mollys track practice n hung out with megan n travis. we were tryin to get under a fence n i couldnt get under casue my butt was in the way so we had to walk the long way. after like 1hour megan left n it was just me n travis. it was pretty fun. then i spent the nite at mollys n we talked for like 4hours!
Saturday- had a soccer game against melonhead (melanie). we beat them 9-3!!! we are GOOD! they played hard tho! i saved like 16516841651361815313654 million goals, well atleast it seemed like it!
Now im watching my brothers. i also got molly over spending the nite. we are BORED.
Chels n molly!