Feb 21, 2007 11:40
Lost & Heroes Running Diaries:
Running Diary February 14, 2007
9:55 PM - Just watching American Idol before Lost comes on. Always so much drama on American Idol...
Is there anymore of a useless episode than the one before the actual big stage singing starts? I mean really, it was basically watching a job interview for an hour, and does it really take more than 12 hours to say "yes" or "no" to about 40 people?
9:59 - Flipped to ABC channel 4 and they are running promos for Lost.
Did someone really write that this season is a 4-star season? Really?
***For those of you who don't watch Lost, I will NOT attempt to summarize the story because I can't even summarize the story. Yes, it's that confusing. If I attempted to tell you the story it would turn out to be Rus Summary¹ If you do not want to attempt to understand the running diary please skip ahead to the Heroes running diary.***
¹ Rus Summary - [Rus suhm-uh-ree]
A fractured, and/or disjointed telling of a story or an event. Usually involves minute details that are unimportant to the actual story or event, and is too confusing for any known species to comprehend.
10:01 - Looks like a Desmond episode...it was pretty obvious from the promos
Is he now a main character? How did that happen?
10:03 - Whoa Desmond is really crazy, but he uses his newfound psychic abilities to save Claire. This brings up two points
1. He should be on heroes
2. Uh oh...is there going to be a Desmond and Claire relationship?
a. I hope not, I'm not liking any of these characters at the moment
10:10 - 10 minutes in and no flashback???? That's new!
Hmmm....Desmond, Charlie and Hurley getting drunk, is this appropriate behavior for children to be watching...oh wait, now the show start at 10PM, supposedly to avoid the Idol crushing.
10:15 - A flashback within a flashback?
Wait...was he transported back because he remembers the island and the hatch?
Interesting...but still kind of "eh"
10:20 Hold up...did he go back in time? Is he Hiro? What's up with that?
10:23 - Alright this episode is giving me more questions than answers, what's Charlie doing there...
See this is exactly why nobody can give an accurate summary of the show; there are just too many twists and turns. Eventually people get sick and tired of it, but I have just enough interest to keep watching.
10:26 - Halfway through the show and
I AM COMPLETELY LOST!!!...I guess that's a good name for the show
10:30 - So Indian Professor and dude with powers/ time travel...sound like a certain show? ...
10:39 - Still confused...What the f#**!!!! So old lady knows the future? Is this the Matrix!!!!
10:45 - So, you can't escape the destiny or fate of being killed...Umm...Final Destination rip off!!!
10:50 - And still confused...
10:53 - So I'm glad they clarified what happened after Desmond turned the key, but hey did the dude get naked, and get these powers... but I'm still hella confused
10:56 - Desmond's STILL crazy... this episode went nowhere!
10:58 - So wait, so in actuality, Charlie was supposed to die?
Well at least that means no Desmond/ Claire relationship...at least I hope not
It was a good episode. It was different, that's all I can say about it.
10:59 - Next week, answers are finally coming...supposedly...does that sound like a certain show on Mondays that always promises answers but never delivers...hmmm....
Speaking of Heroes...
Running Diary February 19, 2007
8:38 PM -At George's house...George's surprise party wasn't much of a surprise...I feel bad for the guy, him being sick on his birthday
Hella people gettin tats!
Hella people being crazy...especially Ajani
Ok - time to charge this computer
9:01 - I need to get a Tivo... skipping commercials is the way to go
9:02 - A little bit of the White Rapper Show first while the recording of Heroes is going on...
The White Rapper Show is such a horrible show...
9:06 - Finally starting up Heroes...nuclear dude is on screen!!!!
Oops FALSE START...gotta start over, people weren't ready...
9:08 - Hov is finally back from the bathroom, time to really start, gotta love that Tivo
Once again nuclear dude is on and he's getting some kind of wireless message
Hmm some kind of wireless hero...great...is she a vampire...I think Daps has an idea for a new tattoo
9:11 - Okay, I don't know what's up with Claire's aka cheerleader girl's "family"
Here's the story so far in a nutshell:
"Who are you? I don't remember you"
5 seconds later
"What are you talking about I know who you are"
I'm surprised Cheerleader girl hasn't gone crazy as well...oh wait I may have spoken too soon.
9:13 - Some people at this party are way too into this show...
"someone flies...someone dies"
9:14 - "Unexpected" that's the name of this episode ...
And yup useless guy is not being suspicious at all, Can someone just kill him off already!!!?????
Looks like Mohinder found Useless guy ala the phone call that useless guy's wife received...da dun dan!!!!
9:17 - Umm, homegirl shouldn't be talking bad about rap music here. She just lost points from the people at this party. That is not a good sign.
9:18 - Such a predictable line...
After Sylar turns the wrench into liquid, girl says, "That was my best wrench" umm...Too predictable
This still fits in with Cassie's theory that they are only using superpowers that don't need too much special effects. People at this party want to see some superpower fights, that's not going to happen regularly.
Is it just me, or do I think that it is obvious that this girl is going to die...SOON!
9:23 - Is Will Ferrell the greatest mind of our time?...I'm joking...or am I?...
9:25 - another Hiro conversation about being a hero...I love these enjoyable moments
Once again I think they should change the name of the show from Heroes to Hiro!
Hiro is the only person I care for at the moment
9: 27 - Sylar asking about Sylar...hmmm...
9:30 - So people here at the party made a good comment...
When all the heroes fight, what is painting guy going to do? It looks like he got gypped in the powers department?
Wait so Peter stops bullets in mid air...MATRIX RIPOFF ALERT!!!!!!!
9:31 - So Peter flew...whoopdeedoo!!!! (Being sarcastic)
Some people at this party got way too excited when that happened.
I don't think it warranted a WOOOOOOO!!!!
Halfway through and still no answers...I thought they were promising answers
9:34 - I'm really hoping that useless guy dies soon because he was involved in another "eh" moment...
Let me take moment to tell everyone, that had this been in the privacy of my own home I would have switched to 24 by now just to see what Jack Bauer is doing. I bet right now he is figuring out his father is the evil villain...oh well, I like Heroes too.
9:37 - Right now I'm paying more attention to Ajani then to the show...
So at the moment, Ajani is making a bunch of noise with his alphabet magnets.
What does that say? ...I'm waiting for something more!!!! Where are my answers!!???
9:39 - Wow, I like that rewinding time thing...it was almost a Matrix rip-off, but it had that twist where things rewinded...
I like that twist, See this is why I like Hiro
But can they please show me how he gets the damn sword and learns English already!!!!
9:41 - So the recording finally caught up with the actual show...
9:42 - Gotta love Tivo, we got to see Hiro rewinding time again...
That was even tighter a second time around...
9:47 - OH MY GOSH!!!! Finally SOME answers, they actually delivered!!!!! I'm shocked!!!!
(I stand up and applaud)
They are being tracked when they are shot with those funky guns and that's what those funny vampire marks are...
But then again that opens up more questions (as always)
9:48 - Finally Claire's confrontation with her Dad...people have been waiting for this
And now, I'm a little disappointed...
I was looking for more drama in the conversation between "evil" father and cheerleader girl...
With all those doctors and nurses watching, I was waiting for Zach Braff to come out and say something witty... "I'm no superman!!!!!"
9:50 - Oh so it was the super-hearing lady that died...that was the one that dies, NOT THE USELESS GUY, what a cop-out
Useless guy better die soon!!!!!
9:52 -I-pod in the blood, that would be a great commercial for I-pod
Wait is Heroes available for download on I-tunes?
9:53 - Once again, I gotta say that I love Tivo...rewatching glasses dude shoot up invisible British dude... I didn't catch the talk between invisible British dude and Peter about potential before...nice conversation...foreshadowing?
9:56 - Aww too bad..Ando and Hiro broke up...they made such a good couple too...sad
I'm telling you, Ando should be the mastermind behind all this...um..maybe not...
And look a very timely cameo from Stan Lee, the Godfather of Marvel comics
Hello True believers!!!! Excelsior!!!!!
10:00 - I have to say the last few minutes were riveting...
Peter beats up painting guy...useless guy, fire guy, and wireless chick storm glasses guy and cheerleader girl's house...
Most importantly I was on the edge of my seat
Bravo, Bravo...
I am impressed, there WERE answers...
And it looks like Simone is dead (never really liked her anyway, wow I sound really mean)...
Wait, shouldn't painting dude painted this? Doesn't he paint the future? Wow his power sucks!!!!
"2007 and the Black people STILL always die first"
Overall, a high quality show...Thank goodness because if we got a show that resembled the past 3 weeks, I might have quit watching the show.
Here's a prediction...
About 4 more weeks of mediocre shows that feature more useless guy and stripper mom, and then we'll have one big episode like this one, then some more mediocre ones, then an explosive Season finale...
But this show has proved me wrong before...