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kitsjay December 13 2011, 18:53:19 UTC
I could never answer these--mine would be, "The heart of my enemies, still beating, on a plate" and then it would be all awkward if I were the one to win.


kitsjay December 13 2011, 18:53:41 UTC
Looking at that comment with my kitten icon just fills me with so much glee.


_celtic_rose_ December 13 2011, 18:57:07 UTC
And now the sentence resonates in my head with the voice of the kitten on that sad commercial that says he wants a "warm belly to sleep on". Hint hint little kitten. There's a heart above that warm belly with your dagger claws name on it


_celtic_rose_ December 13 2011, 19:07:45 UTC

>>>> New icon for the holidays ^_^


kitsjay December 14 2011, 12:02:24 UTC
afsjdaklfj I LOVE THAT ICON! ♥ Snoopy Christmases are the best Christmases.


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 16:20:14 UTC
Forever and Always ^_^

Have you updated the Grimm fic lately?


tripatch December 14 2011, 16:29:25 UTC

Um, I posted Chapter Five: It Came Upon a Midnight Fear? Have you read that one yet?

Also, I'm running out of clever puns. *facepalm* I just need one more!


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 16:33:08 UTC
lol haven't read that yet!

I wanna play the pun game! let me help! I need a prompt!


tripatch December 14 2011, 16:35:20 UTC
Well, the next chapter I've got the title for, I'm trying to think of the "epilogue" chapter that basically wraps everything up, bad guy goes to jail, there are mentions of presents, there's a sappy Christmas moment, a bombshell is dropped, and there are kids involved.

Oh, and birds.

So any Christmas related puns that somehow relate to that work.

For reference:

Chapter 1 - Ho, Ho, Homicide!
Chapter 2 - Be Good for Grimm's Sake
Chapter 3 - Gone Away is the Cinnamonbird
Chapter 4 - Slay Ride (I'm kind of ashamed of this one afjsklaf)
Chapter 5 - It Came Upon a Midnight Fear


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 17:08:15 UTC
"Adeste Finales" (Adeste Fideles)

"Baby it's Resolved Outside" (Baby its cold outside)

"Blutbad Christmas?" (Blue Christmas) But this one sounds like more of a Munroe-centered spinoff which I'm all for. (On that note, I may be wrong but I thought Munroe abstained from alcohol?)

...gonna stop there, personally I'm sold on Adeste Finales.

And finished the chapter. Karl Tineas= Sinterklaas. This one took me a little longer to figure out lol. So maybe it's Ava Spicer huh? Is the one chick still a grinch?


kitsjay December 14 2011, 17:12:53 UTC
afjsklajf I like the Baby It's Resolves Outside and the Adeste Finales. ajfklsajf

He drinks beer and wine definitely (Nick offers him a Bordeaux and later he's seen drinking wine; and in another scene, they're both drinking a beer), but not liquor, from what I can tell. Did I put him drinking alcohol? *frowns*

ajfslkajf Yup! I didn't actually expect anyone to get the sinterklaas, so good on you!

And we shall see. *drums fingers*

Also, I just checked--this is 13,500 words so far. Wtf. This was supposed to be crack!


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 17:23:12 UTC
lol Yeah in the last chapter here they were drinking beer. I couldn't remember from the series, I know he went into the bar that one time but for some reason I have it in my mind that he doesn't drink due to the "reformed" thing. Again, I may be wrong about that lol.

I ended up looking up a list of Santa names. strangely Sinterklaas wasn't one it, but I think looking at the list jogged the mind and voila.


Well, this crack ain't whack. I want to see this as an episode so bad lol.


kitsjay December 14 2011, 17:27:29 UTC
Well, in the latest episode it strongly implies he doesn't drink liquor (though I have a hard time referring to peppermint schnapps as 'liquor'), but he's definitely drank beer ( ... )


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 17:45:25 UTC


I love both shows, but right now starting to love Grimm slightly more because each episode has some closure, even though I'm really anxious to find out more about the whole Grimm Culture and job details.


kitsjay December 14 2011, 17:48:53 UTC
I WON'T. There's one death but actually, that isn't what's going to break hearts.

I prefer to torture my readers with emotional pain, not real death. ;)

I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET BECAUSE OF THAT. ajfsklj I haven't seen since Episode 4 honestly--I'm probably going to wait until it goes a season, because yeah, I'm just really, really not good with the whole "waiting for resolution" thing.

I know! There's this whole discussion on how people are even recognizing Nick as a Grimm, actually, because the first two, he didn't really hide his reaction, but in Danse Macabre (also, have you seen that one? Everyone kept going, "PRODIGY!" and I was going, "... Am I really tone-deaf or is he missing a lot of notes?" You're the musical expect, figured you'd know) he does and ... he still gets recognized. But then Hap doesn't. But then Angelina does.

I'm like, "... c'mon, show, I know you're not the greatest, but consistency!"

I still love it though. ajfdslk ♥♥♥ Fandom has pretty much made Nick the ditz, which I find uber-hilarious.


_celtic_rose_ December 14 2011, 17:58:51 UTC
It's just weird that this is the first damn time this "Grimm" business is coming about for him. Like, did he not notice people yelling GRIMM! at his parents when he went out with them? Or when he was with marie? Is it a torch being passed that once a grimm dies the next in line gets the magic "Grimm" tattoo on their foreheads?

You mean the kid? Yeah, there were definitely notes missing/misplayed, but the technique/sound was good so we can chalk it up to artistic license I suppose. I think this is the first time I didn't scrutinize the actor... Either the kid was actually playing or I just wasn't paying attention lol. Usually the first thing I do is shout FAKE when people are playing cause the bows all over the fucking string and the fingers are either not moving or not moving correctly.

I wonder if Nick's face changes for the creatures like their's do for him. Maybe it only happens at certain times which is why some pick it up but others dont? And being a Grimm I wonder if he is also a creature.


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