its been too long again! now that im off uni (yes thats right, with no
exams not back til october) i have time the old hands!!! and so shall
be posting a lot more again with the added aid of photo bucket
returning me to photo world whilst i find some kind of decent server to
get up again! so news!!!
- above is my new dog and yes that is her face...she is so hyperactive
that you cant take a photo of her while she's running around licking
everyone and everything that i had to get this while she was sleeping.
i got her yesterday and she's called sophie and is 7. she's a pedigree
show dog! but we got her for free cos she's past her showing life and
the owner was happy to keep her, but happier knowing that she could go
to a good home and get all the attention she needed as she got older.
castle catface is almost like her retirement home :)
- im still employed! and seems like i may be there for some time as the
staff are lovely, the boss pretty much lets u do what u want as long as
everything is done, and the shifts are normally great! except of course
for my one today from 8am til 6pm meaning i had to get up at 6am! ugh.
- having discovered photobucket i realised i have a pile of pics on my
computer that never went up here - but i wont bore people with them!
but here is one below of emma, aiden, myself and chris getting
plastered. he may soon be getting his hair chopped off- if so there
shall be before and after photos...
- only a few weeks til amtserdam!!!! *dances* i am very very excited. i
mean what better way to spend a student loan??? then a few days after
we get back i leave for 2 weeks in tenerife with chris! so holidays for
nearly a month for the catface. im going to return very broke and
possibly with sun burn.
off i go to get some more practise on the guitar - the sweatercows are coming soon!