my thoughts....

May 19, 2006 13:13

so ive been thinking lately, about everything. and ive been really really fucking stressed out lately. like to the max and i dont know what to do about it. im at jens house right now waiting to get my hair cut bc its outta control. the whole way over to her house my heart was racing, im completely nervous as hell and i have no effing clue why im this way. my left hand was numb the entire way here. i can figure this out, i have no reason to be nervous. maybe its cause im getting my hair cut, i dk..... my boss noticed that i was all depressed , or just hardcore thinking. he guessed it right on the money, i talked to mackenzie renee' two nights ago and that got to me. she was thinking about me and decided to call me bc she was going through her digital and saw pictures of me. im everywhere she said, and i asked her if that was a bad thing , she said no it just makes her sad. how am i supposed to take that? i mean seriously..... its like shes playing games with my head but then at the same time shes not. i dont know how to take that. the past month and a half has been nerve racking and its starting to take a toll on me. she also said dont be afraid to call me. rawr!!!!!!!!! but on a good note, im starting soccer again in about a month. i bought some bad ass soccer shorts yesterday from soccerworld in rochester. they're white gold and black! i love em, im going to get the jacket and pants within the next couple weeks. but im going to get my hair cut now. maybe i'll take pictures and post them. until next time..... bye bye
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