(no subject)

Sep 28, 2007 16:23

...don't carry the world upon your shoulder, well you know that its a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder. hey jude, don't let me down....

I am trying to figure out who I am. How do I want to come off to other people? On my bed next to me is a book about feminism. It has been really hard for me to decide if I want to call myself a feminist. It has such a negative connotation. I don't know if I'm feminist. But I do know that when I look at the world or at least the nation that I am living in, it makes me incredibly sad. What are we doing?!!! You can't turn around with sex being shoved in your face. You can't walk a couple blocks without hearing people dropping F-bombs. You even hear young kids talking about things I couldn't imagine coming out of the mouths of my 18 year old friends. What is happening?!! What are we doing?!! 
I was driving home the other day, and en elementary school was getting out. I just started praying that maybe this generation would desire to change the world. So often you are looked down upon for having morals. Being a Christian is looked at as a negative thing. Why?! Why is it so bad to hold on to our morals? Why are girls so readily undressing? Why does every celebrity have a sex tape? Why is porn the biggest industry? Why are you uncool if you believe in abstience ? Why is it a bad thing to hope that your friend stops smoking pot?  Why are given a bad look if deny a drink? Why does the f word have to be included in every sentence? Why is it so ridiculous to believe in creation?
People tell me that if I feel so strongly, I should do something about it. I wish I could, but I just feel so hopeless. I feel like a lot of people I know agree with me on this stuff, but even if we all spoke up, would it change? I believe that only a very small majority of america wants to make gay marriage ok, and yet if you disagree, you are looked down on. Everyone is so worried about oppression. That's not it. The thing is, look how bad and immoral our country has become. What is going to happen twenty years from now? The scariest thing is that I know its going to get worse. 
I don't know what to do, but I do know that is really hard for me to bite my tongue and watch this place go to hell. I don't want to put up with it anymore.
What are we doing?!!
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