Apr 26, 2005 20:51
Cold sores suuuuuuck.
I have one, right on the corner of my mouth and since I have a habit of chewing on the corner of my mouth, I keep biting it. I'm using Carmex for it and I keep tasting it when ever I go to chew on my lip. So, I think that's why I have a headache now.
And in light of that declariation, I AM A BORING PERSON. That was the highlight of my day. Sitting around the house doing nothing is getting pretty boring now. I need something to do, a job maybe. But, alas I need to learn to drive before I get a job because how the hell else would I get there? Okay, no more complaining about that. I refuse to.
My birthday is in... 10 days, not counting today or the day of my birthday. I want a kitten. Well, I actually want a plane ticket to Tulsa and the okay to go to Mayfest, but I don't see that happening, so I want a kitten. I don't think I am going to get one though. I won't be surprised if no one even acknowledges that it is, in fact, my birthday. It's happened twice before.
I watched "Spanglish" tonight. It was a good movie, considering I don't really like Adam Sandler. Cute, I suppose. I wanted him to leave his wife for Flor (I don't know if that's how it's spelled, it's a Spanish name, it means flower).
And I applaud you if you actually just read that ramble.