Sep 30, 2004 17:29
AMANDA & MICHELLE ... MUST we go thru this again??? 1) WE DID NOT TALK ABOUT YOU 2) do you really believe teverything you hear?? if you do, that is quite sad. if i had anything to say about you or your friends YOU WOULD HEAR IT DIRECTLY FROM MY MOUTH. not from someone elses!!!! i have NOTHING left to say to you, it's all been said ... i have an opnion about you, BUT I DONT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE! & yes, you guys are the cause of this drama. you started talking about us, for unknown reasons cuz you keep "forgetting" to share them with anyone, which i find quite funny .. hm .. MAYBE CUZ THERE ARE NONE .. its all really sad .. stop saying shit, & friggin tell us why you hate us if there is an actually reason, instead of some petty grudge, yeah, im pretty sure that this is comming out rude, but its not my intent. im gunna tell you all EXACTLY what i think fo you riiight in here, just so we clear up all thsoe things u have heard from who-thefuck-ever .. i think you both are pa-psychos. I KNOW and have a valid reason to call you both 2 faced, i was there when you were telling rebecca "oh i know that we arent friends anymore, but dont hessitate to say hi!" and being relitavely nice, i was also there when you said "I HATE REBECCA, i dont like her" or wtf-ever you said when i was talking to you guys last sunday. you all are pathetic, i think. sure you have a problem with me saying this, but frankly i dont care :D just telling the truth.