May 01, 2006 17:24
List ten things you want to say to people but you know you never will.
Stole from Amanda
1. I can't stand arguing with you for several reasons. A) You are really bad at it. B) I like having excellent non-argumentative discussions more. C) I HATE DISCREPANCIES. But aside from that, I really really love you and if we aren't friends forever and ever I won't be complete.
2. I wish there was a button I could press that would make everything you know about me vanish, because I can't trust you with it any more.
3. I've been boycotting your LJ for about four months. I love you in person, but reading your LJ makes you seem not too cool at all.
4. I feel like a total shithead all the time for not being a better friend to you. You're one of the few people I can trust indefinitely. We've come a long long long way and there's a longer way to go. I love you SO MUCH. I hope we can start spending more time together very very soon, and I know it's my fault that we don't. And I'm very ready and willing to change that.
5. Everything I've ever said to you regarding how much I care for you is only half true, because there aren't any words wonderful enough to communicate just how much I do. Now that we're grownups I think our friendship can get even more wonderful. If we lose touch in college and beyond I'm pretty sure my heart will implode.
6. You are freaking crazy. And WAY too brutally honest. A little sugar coating never hurt anyone.
7. I almost wish you hated me. I always get really intense guilty feelings around you. But nothing I've ever done that has effected you was meant to at all. I hope eventually we'll be okay enough to have a good friendship.
8. I will always always always be here for you. I don't think at the moment you would take me up on it, but just keep in mind that you can talk to me about absolutely anything. I sincerely care about you and if there's anything I can ever do to make you happy, I'll try my hardest.
9. I've never been able to say anything to your face about how I really feel about you. I don't like you. At all. You've done way too many crappy things and never even given an explanation. Try to open your eyes and see what you're doing to people.
10. I admire you a lot. You're an awesome girl with a lot to give. I don't know you all that well, but I hope we'll get to know each other soon. Actually, I wish you were my big sister. I feel like there's a hell of a lot I could learn from you. Keep rocking and being wonderful.
Aghgfhjfgh I can't stop there.
11. I am extremely sorry for being such a dickhead in the past. Now that we're at least starting to put all of that bull behind us, I hope we can get to be sort of friends again. We don't have that long to do it though, because you're growing up and moving on in the world and I couldn't possibly be happier for you. Go be you everywhere, bring a piece of the island with you, and make the world a better place, because you can definitely do it.
12. Don't think that I'm not there any more. I will be whenever you need me. A ride, a shoulder, some chocolate and a chick flick, anything. You know how to reach me. If there's ever anything I can help you with and you hesitate to come to me, I'll get a little miffed.
13. Don't be dumb. People are here for you, so pull your head out of your butt and realize it. There's no need to mope around and feel alone when you really aren't.
14. You have a lot of growing up to do. It definitely does not have to happen soon, and you should not try to hurry up. Instead, try to enjoy it.