this from anna

Mar 08, 2006 22:54

Type your cut contents here.
1. Had sex: no
2. Bought something: nope
3. Gotten sick: Yes..I'm sick right now
4. Sang: Whenever I hear a song I know..haha
5. Been kissed: Nope =(
6. Ate something: Yea
7. Felt stupid: Yes..but its ok
8. Talked to an ex: Nope
9. Missed someone: Yes


1. Layed in your bed: Me
2. Saw you cry: Hmm?
3. Made you cry: Hmm
4. Went to the movies with: Mom, and Dr. k
5. You went to the mall with: Ryan


1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Sure have <3
2. Got in a fight with your pet: Can't say that I have
3. Been to California: no, but I'll be making a pit stop there on the way to Fiji this summer
4. Been to Mexico: no
6. Been to Canada: no
7. Been to Europe: No but I SO want to

1. Do you have a crush on someone: justin
2. What book are you reading now: Jsut some stories for english!
3. Worst feeling in the world: lonliness
4. Future KIDS names: Tyde for a boy haha
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: the teddy that I got for vday!
6. What's under your bed: everything
7. Favorite sports to watch: football
8. Location: my Room
9. Piercing/Tattoos: my ears, and belly button
10. Do you drink: nope
11. What are you most scared of right now: this may sound weird but being on my own in the future..
12. Where do you want to get married: in a big garden somewhere..haha
13. Who do you really hate?: No one
14. Who do you really love?: Family, Friends, and Ryan
15. Do you like being around people: Love it
16. Have you ever cried: Of course..
17. What was your last boyfriend/girlfriends name: before Ryan it was Brent
18. Are you lonely right now: yes..
19. Song that's stuck in your head: You're Beautiful
20. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
21. Played strip poker: NO but strip uno..haha..
22. Gotten beaten up: Nope
23. Done an all-nighter: yes!
24. Been on radio/TV: Tv
25. Been in a mosh-pit: Nope
26. Most beautiful thing you've seen lately: Daffodils while walking today..


First kiss: 9th grade.
First big trip: Cant remember
First time skiing/Snowboarding: skiing when I was little..and I really do want to try snowboarding!
First Drink: hmm..tried some margarita..
First job: littons uptown!
First date: Hmm??


Last car ride: tonight after class
Last kiss: last night
Last time you were naked: just a minute ago cause I took a shower
Last food you ate: cheese steak
Last love: Ryan
Last temptation: hmm
Last item bought: breakfast
Last time wanting to die: hmm...
Last alcoholic drink: Hmm
Last time at the mall: last wednesday

Yea I was bored haha
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