[ Flocked: What the fuck. My parents want to take me off the team if I can't bring my grades up. What the fuck is wrong with my grades? I study. The tests just suck. It's not my fault if the tests suck. Fucking teachers. God, how I wound up with two of them for parents
Dad wants me to get an English tutor. He thinks I can bring the math up on my own. And Mom wants to meet this tutor, whoever they are, and make me study at home downstairs where she can keep an eye on me because she's a controlling bitch or some shit like that. I don't need a fucking tutor.
And they're not gonna fucking take me off the team. It's not gonna happen. Why the fuck am I always on the edge of it like I'm not supposed to be on it or something? It's not supposed to happen like this and nobody gets that this is what I want to do. Whatever. I'll go pro this summer and then they'll see who's getting taken off any team. ]
[ Private: There was another letter, too, one that started all this bullshit. Someone fucking told my parents about Haginosuke. This isn't the way that was supposed to happen either. Not til i was ready and not without him there. Couldn't even fucking defend myself, not with both of them breathing down my neck like that. "Does Taki do drugs", "does Taki have girls over at his place", shit like that. I'm not on any fucking drugs. I wouldn't be on the tennis team if I was doing drugs. "We're concerned about the amoutn of time you spend over there, why don't you invite some of your friensd here", yeah, because we've got such a mansion here that we can have anyone over here. they don't get it. they don't fucking get that i can't be here all the time and that i'm going to be leaving soon. Like Mom's trying to cling to me because Ken's graduating and not living here anymore and Grandma's gone and
shit. I don't know. maybe I should just tell them. wouldn't fix anything. ]
[ Let's run away. ]