Survived the weekend, at least. Not too sure about this week.
Still not over what happened Friday. Not sure if I can accept any dates. Still going through with stupid auction thing.
[ Private: That was more fun than it should have been. Got to use stuff from acting class, there. I know it wasn't real but it's still liberating. Thing is, Mika's a good girl - she doesn't deserve to be involved in something like this. She should date someone for real. I don't know. Like I'm rationalizing what I did. It was a dumb idea in the first place. Anyone could probably tell we weren't dating anyway, god knows I spend more time with Haginosuke than anyone else.
Don't want to have to rationalize that one, too. I'm getting sick of making excuses. Wonder how much more liberating the truth'd be or if it'd just make things worse. Wonder if Mom'd even still let me see him. Don't want to take that chance right now, don't know how bad it'd be without him.
I think I miss Keigo. Not the fooling around part, but the part where we're friends. At least. Him being Buchou is great and all, but not what ]
[ooc: Strikes deleted. Also: Friday afternoon, Shishido staged a very public "break up" with his "girlfriend", Mika.]