nineonehundred (3:07:58 PM): every time i do the celebrity look-a-like thng, the face recognizer, it gives me asian people
nineonehundred (3:08:10 PM): like alll asian people and then debra messing and a picture of keanu reaves as a child
nineonehundred (3:08:16 PM): thats who i look like apparently
CaitBailey 89 (3:09:35 PM): hahah
CaitBailey 89 (3:09:37 PM): no you dont
CaitBailey 89 (3:09:44 PM): have you ever seen love actaully
nineonehundred (3:09:55 PM): yeah i love htat movie
CaitBailey 89 (3:10:59 PM):
CaitBailey 89 (3:11:02 PM): thats who u look liek
nineonehundred (3:11:15 PM): hahahhhahhahahahhhh
nineonehundred (3:11:18 PM): who the hell is that
CaitBailey 89 (3:11:23 PM): that girl
CaitBailey 89 (3:11:25 PM): i have no idea