* Inner pondering while touring the JSA Brownstone *

Apr 19, 2005 09:58

A man died in my hands.

I didn't kill him. In fact he killed himself. I'm not certain how but he brought the whole building down on us simply by speaking. I suspect he had some skill at magic.
That's really not the point however.
A man died in my hands.

It couldn't have been the falling debris. I covered his body as soon as the building started to shake. He was pretty helpless at the time since I was holding him against a wall. Why did he die?
A man died in my hands.

The Cult of Blood has been responsible for some pretty horrible deeds. Their leader is a bona-fide agent of the netherworlds. They sacrifice children. All life is precious however, villain or not.
A man died in my hands.

Shay seems fairly adjusted to this kind of thing. When the dust cleared, I told her that he was dead. She seemed fairly blasé about it and chalked it up to him taking his own life. Maybe so, but I should have prevented it.
I needed time so we simply called it a night.
Junior wasn't exactly on speaking terms with me and Mary.. well Mary has had some pretty serious matters on her mind already.
A man died in my hands.

Maybe I should have stopped in Metropolis.
The Wisdom of Solomon is making it clear to me that I need to talk about this to someone.

I've recently arrived in New York. The Brownstone has obviously been refitted since my last stay. We're very lucky Terrific is on the side of light. Looking at the technology around here is humbling.

Jay was welcoming and glad to have me back. There are still old concerns about me though. I understand. I should have been paying closer attention to Wisdom in the first place. Billy/I is/am a boy. Marvel/I is/am an adult. Romance isn't an option for me. Not for some time at least. I offer up thanks to my Patrons for the lesson. I don't know if they're ready to shoulder my recnet troubles.

A man died in my hands...
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