"he's my knight in shining armor."

Jan 25, 2005 18:36

today was okay.
school, drivers ed until 6:30.
today in biology i said "oh crap!" and mr. stevens was like..."no natalie..the scientific way of saying that is 'oh fecies!'" or however you spell it. so he made me said it like i said oh crap. then i forgot me w.o.d. booklet and i said "oh crap, i forgot my notebook!" and he had it in his hand. he made me say oh fecies again.
boys continue to confuse me.
i came home, finished my physics and biology homework. i ate dinner, and then went in my room to practice my horn.
my dad comes up to my room and started rambling on, yelling at me, because i was playing my A and C too long. i attempted to play a rhythm that goes "R & &3 &a4 &"(if that is understandable), and i didn't really know how to play it. i attempted the measure and played my high C too long again. he said, "you just think you know everything...blah blah!" i chose to ignore it, because he's only had like 4 and 1/2 cigs this week. but i started crying (what's new?) and continued to practice the measures that were difficult for me. i finally got it, and i came downstairs and he told me "nattie, what i just heard was excellent. you have natural talent, and if you just practiced that much every night, you could be 3rd chair." wow dad, thanks for trying to make me feel better!
i feel like saying something mean, but i'm going to hold back the temptation.

actaully i'm in an extemely good mood. my father just makes me angry...he takes out his problem on me and other people(hmm..his students?)

i love zach who could possibly be my most favorite person to do napoleon dynamite impressions with. wow, we were really loud in band today, and we about peed in our panties from laughing so hard. i love sarah because she is wonderful and understands everything. i love emory for always being HIMSELF. i love marjorie for thinking of me. i love beth for always being HERSELF just like emory is always HIMSELF. i love claire mccoy because she makes me happy no matter what... and she and i need to HANG OUT...did you read that CLAIRE? i love mary youngblood for being stupid and crazy. i get to spend this weekend in greensboro with her!
and i absolutely love casey irvine. he continues to amaze me. he's so awesome.

blueeyed nattie: haha because you are so insensitive
blueeyed nattie: wow did i spell that wrong?
byrdmo07: yes i believe its spelled amazing*
molly byrd makes me laugh really hard.

i think i'm done for the night.
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