(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 22:50

DJPhlawless: guess what I did tonight!
blueeyed nattie: what did you did tonight
DJPhlawless: that's the worst job of guessing ever
blueeyed nattie: man i suck
blueeyed nattie: but i think you should go on and tell me..
DJPhlawless: fair enough
DJPhlawless: I had a singing lesson
DJPhlawless: for 5 bucks
blueeyed nattie: hahahaha where?
DJPhlawless: one of the girls at work was a voice performance/teaching major in college and she wants to get into teaching. . .so she needs to figure out how. I'm her guinea pig! ! !
blueeyed nattie: hahahahahahaha was it fun? and did you learn anything?
DJPhlawless: it was great
DJPhlawless: she found out my range
DJPhlawless: apparently I can sing real real low and higher that I should be able to
DJPhlawless: for being able to sing real real low
DJPhlawless: go me
DJPhlawless: and she taught me theory
blueeyed nattie: thaaaaaaat's too cool!
DJPhlawless: I know!

it's amazing that he is 24 years old i think, and he's definitely acts 5 years old.

and just so you know...i put these in here to save them. you might not think they are funny or mean anything, but they do to me so shush it!
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