yeye kniiqqAz ii havent wrOte in 6OoO yearz but its alriiqht .. i watched starsky + hutch =) woop _ 5 dAy weEkend supposidly ruiNed by a freakiinq hurricane [ by the way its not freakiinq` comiinq I TOLD YOU KNIGGAS ] --» im so freakinq bOred ANTI KERRY im a sinqLe lil qurL =) «-- meqii`z turninq intO a bobcat ... psh TRADER (i dont know how 2 spell ) la salles coOl adriian better be my biiq brOther !! i dont want sum seniOr i dOn`t knOw =) || lOve 2 the new la salle friends ursula im so proud of yOu =] nOtez duriinq math class .. it was all worth it lmaO _ christy u saved ur new pjs !! lmao pictures worth a 1OOO words and they all say HOTT lmaO` || me n rOxy are qOna run a female train ..RAPEE !! i lOve mii wifey erykuh --» roses are red viOlets are blue erykuhs mine bitch if yOu touch her ill shOot yOu «--
oh yes n meqan michi and i are all mOderatOrz ( me + michi are co-moderators) for hOtt chix =] whhhaaaatt