01. Yeah, another friends only journal.

Mar 04, 2005 22:47


Add; Comment; & I might add you back.

Before you add me:
- I post pics; of myself, my boyfriend, my cats, my life.
- I don't censor anything about who am.
- I'll probably remove you if you don't comment here & there.

After adding me, comment here with this:
- Name:
- Age:
- Location:

I enjoy getting to know my LJ friends better,
& always reply to all the comments I get. I also
comment as much as I can as well. Or course,
only if I feel there's something sensible to say.
I am out spoken & stuck in my ways. You don't
have to agree with what I say, do, or believe,
but don't you dare say I'm wrong!

If you still want to be added comment here
along with an introduction, (who you are, age,
marital status, anything about you - pictures
would be nice, too!) so I know a little bit
about whom I'll be adding.

Only people who are insecure enough
to actually care what people they
don't even know them would join
rating communities. I'm not one of
those people, so post all that spam
else where. If you post here, it
will be reported as spam.