Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Location: New Hampshire
Status(if taken please show pic): Quite taken
Star sign: Leo... mew.
Interests: Other than taking pictures? Music, skiing, anime, movies, and soccer ♥
Hobbies: Taking pictures, playing my clarinet and saxophone, refereeing, skiing, and most importantly hanging out with my friends.
5+ Bands/Artists: Hellogoodbye, Hoobastank, Imogen Heap, Elton John, and Dave Barnes
5+ Movies: Love Actually, Little Miss Sunshine, Princess Mononoke, The Ring, and Run, Lola, Run
TV Show: Sex and the City, Family Guy, Hogan Knows Best
Song: That's current, I'm guessing? Say It Right- Nelly Furtado
Abortion: Meh, I have mixed views. I mean, having a baby may ruin you economically, socially, and physically. Furthermore, if you are not ready to have that child, you shouldn't bring a soul into this world to a broken environment. However, if it's past the first term, that thing inside of you is now more than a mass of cells. Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, but it should most certainly be legal.
Drugs/Alcohol: If you don't do it, kudos. If you do, just do it safely. Don't put others' lives at risk because you can't control yourself when you're intoxicated. I myself am completely clean, but I won't condemn those who do drugs and alcohol, unless I think it creates a dangerous situation for those who are surrounding its user.
Eating Disorders: It won't make you pretty, or prettier, so why do it?
Cigarettes: Never done 'em, so I can't really comment. I mean, they're ciggs. Whatever suites your fancy, and they aren't hurting anyone but yourself.
Religion: I think that religion is very important, whether you're Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, etc. I don't think that it should be used as a tool to start wars or genocide or discrimination, but as a route of explanation and enlightenment.
Same sex marrage: Totally. Who said that the government can judge who you love?
Depression/Self-Injury: Been there, done that, it's not a great place to be. Respect others, and if you find out that someone is cutting themselves etc, then they probably want you to know about it. Don't turn them in, but do talk to them about it. They want love and attention. Give it to them.
Describe yourself in 5 words: Exciteable, intellectual, responsible, obsessive, happy
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3-10 CLEAR Pictures:
Meet the day I met my camera (my birthday). I was a little excited.