davids IM noise bastard

Jun 18, 2005 00:17

oh god danielle and i are hyper
and sexing up jnix and lainglaingthemattface

star city spirit: omg danielle and i are on 2 computers
star city spirit: at her house
star city spirit: i know right
Mdl688: how in the world
star city spirit: cuz were hott like that
star city spirit: duh
Mdl688: duhhh
star city spirit: liar
Mdl688: pshh
star city spirit: della is over here now
star city spirit: bc her brother lacks a penis
star city spirit: and kicked us off
Mdl688: hahaha
Mdl688: yeah lacking of that would suck
star city spirit: hsahahsd;flhasdlf
star city spirit: you would knoq
star city spirit: *w
star city spirit: says della
star city spirit: then she exclaims "oh snap"
Mdl688: uhh yeah i would actualy
star city spirit: danielle is diversioning me
Mdl688: ??
Mdl688: with what
star city spirit: her large testes
star city spirit: that belong to you
star city spirit: she likes them
Mdl688: hahahahaha
Mdl688: how she get those?
star city spirit: you gave them 2 us like 5 seconds ago
star city spirit: with your sense of dignity
Mdl688: o dang thought i felt a lil out of place
star city spirit: jkjhg\
Mdl688: blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
star city spirit: by that sound you like how we are raping you
Mdl688: haha yeeeeeah of course
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: mmm tasty
Mdl688: hahahhaa nice one
star city spirit: i know right
Mdl688: right
star city spirit: im naughty
Mdl688: me 7
star city spirit: uh yeah
Mdl688: psh
star city spirit: oh girl
Mdl688: ohsnap
star city spirit: yah you know you like that you dirty boy
Mdl688: hahahaa
Mdl688: o yeah thats fo sho
star city spirit: uh
star city spirit: yesh.
Mdl688: uh
Mdl688: nope
star city spirit: uh so
star city spirit: i like broccoli
star city spirit: and one time i married brooks allison
Mdl688: bloc
star city spirit: and we had a baby named borklahv
Mdl688: really cooool
star city spirit: i know
star city spirit: youre jealous
star city spirit: matt will you marry me
Mdl688: yup
star city spirit: neat
Mdl688: uhhh sure
Mdl688: :-)
star city spirit: yay
Mdl688: smiles are bitchin
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: what happened to your gay ones
star city spirit: asks danielle
star city spirit: really shes just mad because we're getting married
Mdl688: yeah im sure she is
Mdl688: she didnt beat ya to it
star city spirit: clearly.
Mdl688: yup ima go play me some paintball sunday
star city spirit: uh
star city spirit: neat?
Mdl688: nooo not neat
Mdl688: awesome
star city spirit: uh
star city spirit: okay
star city spirit: sorry
star city spirit: with like45234895 x;s
Mdl688: more like 45234895 + 1
star city spirit: yeah
star city spirit: mattfaceeeee
Mdl688: yyeeeeeess
star city spirit: so basically
star city spirit: you have quite a yeasty ass!
Mdl688: sooooo
star city spirit: no its cool
star city spirit: danielle likes that
star city spirit: more yeast than a bread factory babyyy
Mdl688: hahaha thats an assload of yeast
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: but thats okay
star city spirit: danielle likes that
star city spirit: a lot!
star city spirit: u8987y-=\
Mdl688: me 3
star city spirit: ksfdjd\
star city spirit: i wanrt to have sex with,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\
star city spirit: sdfjsd;lfkjsd\
star city spirit: says lren]\by sdlkjfhlsdkf she means\
Mdl688: what was that?
star city spirit: jnix
star city spirit: nothing danielle is an assmonkey
Mdl688: hahaha
star city spirit: she keeps touching my boob
star city spirit: wtf
star city spirit: \no\
star city spirit: yes
star city spirit: im skitzzo
star city spirit: no
Mdl688: hahah
star city spirit: nyuj6hrdgf]
star city spirit: star city spirit: she keeps touching my boobstar city spirit: she keeps touching my boobstar city spirit: she keeps touching my boobstar city spirit: she keeps touching my boob
Mdl688: she keeps touching my boob
star city spirit: no
star city spirit: n\yes
star city spirit: A LOT
Mdl688: me 2
star city spirit: star city spirit: she keeps touching my boobMdl688: me 2
Mdl688: hahaha
star city spirit: omgmattttt
Mdl688: omg ahhh o no?
star city spirit: what the hell
star city spirit: crazy bastard
star city spirit: STARFiSH~!
Mdl688: crabs!
star city spirit: danielle doiesnt have those
star city spirit: just AIDS
Mdl688: ewww
star city spirit: cuz shes a black hooker
star city spirit: you like the chocolate love
star city spirit: dont hate matt
star city spirit: participate
Mdl688: mmmm chocolate
star city spirit: in the free chocolate sex
star city spirit: oh god
Mdl688: OH JESUS
star city spirit: heres della
Mdl688: theres della
star city spirit: omgmatt im so hott\
Mdl688: yeah i know
star city spirit: youre hott
star city spirit: wed have cute kids
star city spirit: with pretty teeth?
Mdl688: hott kids
Mdl688: wit perfect teeth
Mdl688: welp thats good and all
star city spirit: duh
Mdl688: well well well
star city spirit: we're drunk.
Mdl688: wellllllllll wellllllllll welllllllll
Mdl688: are you really lol
star city spirit: not really. but we do a good job of pretending eh
Mdl688: hahaa
Mdl688: i am
star city spirit: shut up ypu bast5aqrd
star city spirit: ypoure breaqking edge
star city spirit: sdkjfhasdkjg
star city spirit: matt
star city spirit: youre so emo
star city spirit: in your uh
Mdl688: nahhhh
star city spirit: clothes and stuff
Mdl688: nahhh
Mdl688: u just jelous
star city spirit: you look gross in clothes says della
star city spirit: she prefers you nakie
Mdl688: hahaha neat i prefer me naked 2
star city spirit: you said neat
star city spirit: thats orgasmic
Mdl688: thats what i wear to bed .. not really but maybe i should
star city spirit: what
star city spirit: what do you wear to bed
star city spirit: nakie?
star city spirit: you should
Mdl688: maybe
star city spirit: definiteluy
Mdl688: allright i will lol
star city spirit: -u.
star city spirit: NEAT
star city spirit: we're taking photos
Mdl688: nah how you doin that
Mdl688: now*
star city spirit: cuz were gonna sex you up
star city spirit: clearly
Mdl688: well clearly
star city spirit: so uh
star city spirit: yeah.
star city spirit: i have a camera down my pants
Mdl688: meeeee 2
Mdl688: haha y gotta camera there?
star city spirit: cuz thats where you put it
Mdl688: thats a silly place to have a camera
Mdl688: hahahaha i get it cuz thats where you put it
star city spirit: duh
star city spirit: i dont have anymore witty comebacks
Mdl688: yeah meee needa
star city spirit: what
star city spirit: quiet, you.
Mdl688: whos talkin right now
star city spirit: both of us
star city spirit: we're hyper
star city spirit: /stuff.
star city spirit: and not our bras
Mdl688: Awesome!
star city spirit: yeah
Mdl688: yeah well its only cool to type in the nude
star city spirit: neat.
Mdl688: hahaha
star city spirit: send a pictureeee
star city spirit: (said danielle)
Mdl688: ok
Mdl688: you first
star city spirit: okjay i so dont have camera software right now
star city spirit: but as of 4 pm tomorrow
star city spirit: clearly.
Mdl688: clearly
star city spirit: we like it when you dance on the poleeee
Mdl688: really i wasnt to sure about that but ehhh
star city spirit: eh.
star city spirit: meh.
star city spirit: that show at temple was kinda meh.
star city spirit: too bad i wasnt there and you were streaking with me
star city spirit: sdfgbdjmghj
Mdl688: yeah good times
Mdl688: to bad i tripped over something and fell down ehhh
star city spirit: hahahahahahahaahahahaahhahahaha
star city spirit: it wasnt thst funny
star city spirit: nuzzle
star city spirit: nuzzle\
Mdl688: hahaaaa
star city spirit: then we cuddled by the fire with hot chocolate
star city spirit: and listened to the beatles
star city spirit: i mean
star city spirit: naked?
star city spirit: im confused

Mdl688: NEAT-O

Auto response from star city spirit:
banging kyle and matt and jnix (della is)

Mdl688: thats alot of people to be bangin at one time
star city spirit: i know but we're talented
star city spirit: and theres a big bed in this attic
Mdl688: who lives in the attic
Mdl688: ??
star city spirit: me and danielle and you guys
Mdl688: do you really have a room in the attic
star city spirit: yeas
star city spirit: with a giant bed
star city spirit: it fits 4 people
star city spirit: comfortably
Mdl688: no you dont
Mdl688: that would be kick ass
star city spirit: we'll take a photo of it
star city spirit: ill send it to you tomorrow
Mdl688: iight
star city spirit: david has to go away first
star city spirit: or esle hell be like wtf you photographing the bed for
Mdl688: i wish i had a room in the attic
star city spirit: and then hell get mad cause he wants to bang laurenMANac in it
star city spirit: Mdl688: i wish i had a room in the attic
star city spirit: duh you do you live with us
Mdl688: sweet
Mdl688: seriously though an attic room would be kick ass
star city spirit: it definitely is
star city spirit: with a giant bed
star city spirit: and a nice carpet to roll around on
star city spirit: no really
star city spirit: we do it after shows and shit
Mdl688: i use to have a california king
Mdl688: just it took up to much room
star city spirit: thats probably what it is
star city spirit: but we dont know
star city spirit: its a queen but its still large and in charge
Mdl688: im going to try to get that bed back
star city spirit: hahaha
star city spirit: you do that!
star city spirit: we're inviting ourselves over if yuo do
star city spirit: by yuo i mean you
Mdl688: that king bed was frikin huge
star city spirit: duh
star city spirit: we remember
Mdl688: hmmm
Mdl688: ahhhhhhh its cold maybe i shouldnt sleep in the nude
star city spirit: we will warm you up
star city spirit: unless youre shrinking
star city spirit: that would suck
Mdl688: o allrighty
star city spirit: neat!
Mdl688: yup way to cold
star city spirit: :-(
star city spirit: you make us sad mattface
star city spirit: mattface = sadface
Mdl688: ight fine ill turn the heat on
star city spirit: yay!
Mdl688: yay
star city spirit: matgt
star city spirit: *-g.
star city spirit: we heart youuuu
star city spirit: we luhve youuuu
Mdl688: ight its no longer cold back to my normal plan
Mdl688: thats gooood to hear
star city spirit: it better be.
star city spirit: is it nice and toasty in your house
star city spirit: we like it toasty like strudel
star city spirit: with lots of frosting
Mdl688: what is that spose to mean?
star city spirit: by frosting ni mean
star city spirit: semen
Mdl688: ooo
star city spirit: said danielle
Mdl688: haha
star city spirit: who in the hell says semen
star city spirit: crazy bastard
star city spirit: JIZZTASTICAL!
star city spirit: orgasm
star city spirit: we're so cool.
Mdl688: hahah yooooouuuuu know it
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: oh my font is pink
star city spirit: thats quite sexy
Mdl688: woo
star city spirit: oh god
star city spirit: you naughty boy
Mdl688: ha
star city spirit: lauren is taking pictures of her cotch for you
star city spirit: *crohtfc
star city spirit: fdshjkgl j;'
star city spirit: by lauren i mean danielle
star city spirit: by danielle i mean lren
star city spirit: bylren i mewan jnix
star city spirit: by jnix i mean.. kyle
star city spirit: kyle is photographing his weiner for you
star city spirit: even though his is much teeier
star city spirit: * teenie
star city spirit: r
star city spirit: shjuit.
star city spirit: -ju
Mdl688: yup
star city spirit: you like trhat
star city spirit: -r
star city spirit: dear matt,
Mdl688: dear me
star city spirit: orgasm
Mdl688: org
star city spirit: www.mattisemo.org
Mdl688: you wish
star city spirit: yes
star city spirit: i really wish you were emo
star city spirit: cry on my shoulder
star city spirit: (not really you weenieface)
Mdl688: haha weenieface
Mdl688: your a weenieface
star city spirit: no you are
star city spirit: weenieface
star city spirit: i dont have a weenie on my facfe
star city spirit: -f.
star city spirit: you do!
Mdl688: clearly you are the weenieface
Mdl688: your both weeniefaces
star city spirit: you have bad grammar
star city spirit: clearly you have 12 stds
star city spirit: oh snap no comeback
Mdl688: oooo you live in an attic
star city spirit: oh you wish you did
star city spirit: GIANT FONT CAPSLOCK
Mdl688: wooo wooo
star city spirit: not really
star city spirit: downsize.
star city spirit: like kyles winkie
star city spirit: after fun with della
star city spirit: clearly
Mdl688: eww
star city spirit: hahaha
Mdl688: NO bigger IS better
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: like cupcakes
star city spirit: mmm cupcakes
Mdl688: cupcakes
star city spirit: yes cupcakes
star city spirit: you need to get on myspace
star city spirit: and check your comments
Mdl688: i have
star city spirit: no matt
star city spirit: right now
star city spirit: AND REPLY TO THEM!
Mdl688: nice robot mouse
star city spirit: clearly
star city spirit: you're jealous
Mdl688: haha your on as drew lol
star city spirit: what
Mdl688: yeah
star city spirit: who is drew
star city spirit: what
Mdl688: what
star city spirit: drew carrol?
Mdl688: yeah
star city spirit: what the hell i hate that kid
Mdl688: hahaha
star city spirit: ?
star city spirit: im so confused
Mdl688: your on as him
star city spirit: i so am not
star city spirit: we're not even on myspace
Mdl688: yes you are
star city spirit: NO WAY
Mdl688: mmmhmmmm
star city spirit: omfg matt no
Mdl688: suuuuure
star city spirit: youre lying
star city spirit: why are you even saying that
star city spirit: what in the hell
Mdl688: haha shutup
star city spirit: what
star city spirit: danielle and i are not on myspace you crazy bastard
star city spirit: see look ill get on my own to prove it you bastard
star city spirit: see im on my own
star city spirit: how could i be on two myspaces you crazy fucker
Mdl688: mmmm
star city spirit: what
star city spirit: im so confused
star city spirit: matt you scare me
Mdl688: my myspace kicks your myspaces ass
star city spirit: im scratching my heasd
star city spirit: too bad you spent like 439875439857 hours in your mjyspace b.c youre an emo bastard
star city spirit: bastard'
Mdl688: yeah right i just made mine
star city spirit: in like 32987 hours
star city spirit: kyle told me
star city spirit: you were working on it all day
star city spirit: YOURE IN MY HEOS SECTIPON!
star city spirit: *heros
star city spirit: lauren wants to have your babies
star city spirit: right now
Mdl688: FINE
star city spirit: she likes that
star city spirit: slut
Mdl688: yeeeah right probly lauren - lauren + danielle
Mdl688: ooo snap
star city spirit: oooh snap
Mdl688: im cold as ice
star city spirit: no really its lauren
star city spirit: +danielle
star city spirit: both
Mdl688: hah
star city spirit: mainly lauren
star city spirit: hah
Mdl688: ima go get something to eat hopefully no body sees me lol for obvious reasons
star city spirit: hahahahahaha
star city spirit: i bet you REALLY ARE NAKED
star city spirit: not really
star city spirit: i wish though (lren)
Mdl688: of course i am
star city spirit: haha
star city spirit: mmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm
Mdl688: yeah right your not gettin any pics cuz you didnt hold up your end of the deal
Mdl688: brb ima see if i can make it to the kitchen
Mdl688 is away at 2:29:59 AM.
star city spirit: hahaha

Auto response from Mdl688: On a Mission

star city spirit: hahaha
star city spirit: i want to go on this mission
star city spirit: (lren)
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