Apr 26, 2008 10:01
Another weekend at the farm. I was really looking forward to getting my hands dirty, but the weather just won't cooperate.
Instead it seems that we will be working on the garage. PC and his mom have emptied it out (holy fuck- it was like the twilight zone in there!) and put up the ceiling and dry-wall. It's partially mudded- that needs to be finished and then the priming and painting.
Then the organizing. (and the creating of the new 'smoking lounge'. Woot!)
Woke up super early this morning. PC stayed up all night playing his computer crack and we both went out for a smoke around 6:30 am. Ended up hanging out in the garage talking about gardening and building and all sorts of sundry stuff. Was cool. Then I went in and made coffee and we sat down to watch the morning news. PC finally passed out as Rae woke up... *laughs* I guess we're all sleeping in shifts this weekend.
This weather is the shits. I really would like to finish 'that damned dragon' aka Nigel... but unless I get a day of good sunlight that's just not going to happen.
It looks like the sun is attempting to shine, but not doing it very successfully.
So, garage work it is. I'm cool with that. Actually, I'm just itching to tear apart every box and pile and organize it all. I'm pretty sure I'll be muchly hated by the time we're through.... but seriously... I *need* it organized. I think its a visual thing.
We're talking about the girl who recently re-arranged and organized the plastic storage cupboard at home because I couldnt' stand to look at the mess anymore.. in a CLOSED CUPBOARD!
Maybe I am a little anal.
the farm