Dec 29, 2007 19:00
The damn dog is making me fucking NUTS.
I can't get up and move THREE FEET without him trotting along behind me. And I'm not just talking about having to be in the same room or near me. No no. He has to be sitting or laying AT MY FEET. Or better, ON my feet.
I put my foot down- he was NOT joining me in the bathroom.
I can not count the number of times I have said "go lay down" and "Pillow!" today.
Please god. Can I slip the dog a sleeping pill? I love the damn dog, but jeebus christ on toast points- I need some space! Should I break up with the dog? I mean, really, I'm feeling a bit stifled in this relationship.
I give him food and water and he damn near worships me!
This is why I have a cat. Cats have their own lives and don't give a shit about yours.