Nov 26, 2007 21:57
I can tell the weather is changing. Over the years my knees have pained me at weather changes. Not always, and most times not that bad. There was one instance in college (when I lived on the 4th floor and had no elevator) that I could not physically get up the stairs. I struggled up two flights and then sat down on the steps and cried.
Its not that bad tonight, but it's getting there. My knees ache, the pain is radiating up my thighs into my hip joints and down into my calves. I constantly feel like I need to stretch my calves. It hurts to do anything, including doing nothing.
A hot shower has not helped, heating blanket has not helped. Tylenol has not helped.
I'm starting to feel really worn down and I'm starting to want to cry. The worst part is that I can't seem to sit still. I lay down on the couch for a while, then I feel like I need to stretch my calves, so I get up and walk around a bit, which aggravates my knees and hips.
And on top of that, I'm getting another one of 'those' headaches. *grumble*
Time for another dose of tylenol- and hopefully my late afternoon nap will not affect my sleep tonight. If I can get to sleep, I'll have a bit of respite from the pain.
I think I have some T3 left. Maybe I'll resort to that.