Sep 13, 2007 18:54
Ok. So.
Last week I started to get a little sniffle. And one of those my-nose-is-draining-down-the-back-of-my-throat type of sore throats. And my eyes felt like Groovy shook his little litter filled paws into them. And the inside of my ears itched. Like crazy. Nearly made me insane. I mean, geez, who are you to tell me I can't scratch my ear canals with a sharpened pencil?
Earlier this week the whole thing... changed.
My eyes didn't burn so much, my throat didn't really hurt too bad... my ears! Thank GODS they stopped itching.
The problem? My nose started up the 'ol snot factory at double speed and the whole shebang dropped into my chest. A nice phlegmy cough.
Well shit. Fest Crud strikes again.
Thankfully, I already had a Dr's appointment scheduled for today. It was just supposed to be a 6 month checkup on that abnormal pap. (please cross your fingers for me that this one comes back normal!)
So, while I was there I had her look at a couple of extra things.
A. The demon Allergy/Cold from hell.
B. The 'stress blisters' I've always had that came and went- usually 2-5 blisters at a time. On two specific fingers on each hand.
Ever since June they've been awful! Deeper than normal, about 50 at a time and all over my hands, fingers, palms etc.
Phyllis's answers were as follows:
A. Allergies set off bronchitis. Take OTC Claritin for Allergies. Call if that doesn't work. Take Z-pack for Bronchitis- and here's some codiene cough syrup to help you stay asleep at night. (Have I mentioned how much I love her?)
B. Possibly eczema of some sort. Try OTC Hydrocortisone. If that doesn't work, call for referrall to Dermatologist.
C. Pap re-done. Everything *should* be fine. She agrees with me about going to Mom's women's clinic if it doesn't come back ok. (I explained how Dr Megas tried to use my uterus as a voodoo icon. It was uncomfortable. I was unhappy).
so.. I stopped by the pharmacy attached to my clinic, got drugs and otc hydrocortisone. (waiting on the claritin/loratidine as I have other allergy stuff at home to use up)
Went home and spent 2 hours online trying to decide what I wanted to eat. I really wanted chinese, then I REALLY wanted Buffalo wings... I hadn't been hungry all day... then all of the sudden I was STARVING. Decided to get in my car and look for something. Ended up at Boston Market. Chicken, mashed taters and green bean casserole. Took it to go. Got home, dosed myself with umpteen meds. Ate dinner. Mmmn Happy Belly. Stood up to throw my take out containers away. Realized I was high on Codiene. Decided now was a really good time to post to LJ.
Well. I hope you've enjoyed my little stoned post. I think I should go to bed now... before I'm too messed up to climb up into it! (I swear I need a step stool to get in the thing!)