Sep 22, 2006 15:16
Another stupidly fleeting LJ post to keep everyone in the know
- I am alive, stilll, despite my darnedest efforts to burn down house/fall into canals/get run over by buses/fall out of windows etc
- Life with the Bute Nominee (new nickname now Cocktease McMinge) and Gregg (new nickname Vomit McDramaqueen) is most funnilicious. Even though there was a slight incident where everyone (bar me) cried when out last night, and we had a collective Day of Doom. on Weds
- My new nickname is apparently Hairy McNaked.....I don't think I should go any further with that story(s)
- So far, medicine is super easy here, as poor old Manc medics seem to have done not very much beyond "this is an arm" so far. Keep missing classes as hospital is far away & I am very lazy, arse-kicking may result, though starting in A&E (OMFGsofuckingscaryImightdie) on Monday, so intimidation by docs will probs encourage my attendances now (have been forced to sit through very "this is an arm" type lectures for 3 weeks, so missage of classes non-problem)
- In addition, I feel like the world's biggest brainiac - I feeling have not enjoyed for many years now, mwuahahahaha. Everyone shocked and stunned that "the waster" of the year actually kicks all their asses, hehehehe.
- I hired many Star Trek books from the library today. Hot librarian now completely detests me as an almost direct result.
- I apparently am being stalked by Vomit McDramaqueen's odd friend from Keele - who I have yet to meet, but knows *far* too much about me, apparently sees me "all the time" and has announced to VmD that we'll probably end up sleeping together - argh argh argh
- still no internet, gas been cut off (oops, though not my responsibility) & am only on here as am too lazy to go get the bus home, am mingeing about in hope of a lift...
- parents still mad, as ever, Mother-One's head now firmly back in the sand, has apparently started attack-on-all-fronts campaign to get me to join her. I do not accept.
- Missing all things St. Andrean and all the people. River Lodge is now a startlingly distant memory...also a curse in disguise as am now used to excess vollume - piles of crap accumulating at alarming rates.
So yeah, that's most of it - I have no-one's number, except Adam n Lee, as 3 network are shit & wiped my memory disc. Get number off those two if need it, or mail me & ask, ajk7 still works.
Must dash, hope all is well in the Land of The Bubble & Beyond!