Do not be frightened of my Friends banner. It's a phase. It's a way of life. I know it. I hope.
-PG-13, unless I do otherwise.
-No racist, rude whatever comments. Be a jerk and I'll be a jerk right back.
-Be an actual friend and comment once in a while.
-Take my icons/banners/whatever I make and post here without my permission and I'll get you. At the very least, comment when taking them. And don't claim as yours.
Also...before you add me, you might want to share at least, say, 5 common interests.
So if you feel you can do that, comment and I'll most likely add you. The only reason I wouldn't add you is if I don't like you. Which would be silly because I would barely know you. So just comment and tell me a tiny bit about yourself, like who you are, what you like, how did you stumble onto my journal...etc.
In general, I'm an easy going person. But I will not tolerate general jack-offy-ness.