(we talked over text. my smile would make your day better? somehow i find this hard to believe... i am going to smile and look like a loser so your life gets enjoyment)(case setteled)
(psss: i got a text from you at 5:15 this morning, was that really from you at that time or one that just sent really late?)
I know im annoying. But the fact that im willing to live with that fact kinda cancels it out in my mind. Cause if i know im annoying and it doesnt bother me than it also shouldnt bother if other people think im annoying.
(IF? Learn to spell IS... Not the hardest word in the alphabet)
(You looked retarded smiling... And your right it didnt help the day. But such is life.)
i thought you knew that already?
(ps: that's sooo likea dirrty joke too. make harder. hahahahh)
(why am i such a guy)
(P.s. HAHAHAH! Wow. Your suck a sicko.)
(Why do you always look afraid of me when you walk by me?)
(ps: why are you on lj and not AIM. it would be so much easier to type then to text. get on AIM loser)
( i'm not affraid. i just dont smile cause you dont. you nod. weirdo. why would i smile to your nod?)
(Cause i was playing WOW last night)
(You cower, your afraid. You would smile cause a smile may make my day better! Geez way to be inconsiderate!)
(WOW if for losers)
(we talked over text. my smile would make your day better? somehow i find this hard to believe... i am going to smile and look like a loser so your life gets enjoyment)(case setteled)
(psss: i got a text from you at 5:15 this morning, was that really from you at that time or one that just sent really late?)
(IF? Learn to spell IS... Not the hardest word in the alphabet)
(You looked retarded smiling... And your right it didnt help the day. But such is life.)
(No i actually sent it at 5 15 in the morning)
(stop taking it out on meeee)
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