Feb 19, 2005 09:22
Well if y'all read my last entry... things aint much0 better. I watched Vanilla SKy and okay Tom Cruis looks just like steve...Both hot and sexy but steves our age lol...But ne ways the movie was realy good...Ya gata like realy pay attention though,,, I <3 those kinda movies,,, the ones were people are like wtf whats goin on cuz it's like a puzzle..Mmhmm BBut yea...I watched it like 3 times and then it was like 2 am n I watched Animal Planet lol...The like pet rescuers and awwe I cryed..This one big black lady made her horse starve and you could see its bones and it was like too weak to stand so when shed try ta get it to get up and it couldnt she would hit it with this like rust chain.. awwe i cryed I love horses if I lived in Alabama I'de rescue it and be a he0 and feed it like my p-i-g lol!!!
awwe poor poor pony '''''''''
.... Lil C-Do ....