school life is pretty dull latly, that explains the lack of interesting updates...
i dont really mind any of my classes except Geometry, i fucking hate math..
the most exciting part of my day, is photography, its kind of pethetic how phsyed i get for that class. haha...i am a bit pissed though, because the developer i used to develop my negitives was stale so my negitives came out under-exposed...which means i have to take a roll of film for the patterns project again, which i dont mind, i just am a bit upset becasue some of the ones on my other roll were nice shots....oh well...
school is alot differnt this year, not as many ppl hangout wtih me. I guess in not as interesting anymore in class...i mean, i do goof offf sometimes but this year i am really serious about makeing the grade so my parents will lay off a bit.
dont get me wrong, i still hangout wtih my same ol'buddies...just not as much as i used to...i guess everyone (including me) is changing a bit and figuring out what direction they are going in....
bleh, i dont like it when i seem this serious....but it happends.
on a brighter note, my mom is thinking about transforming my walk in closet (that i never use) into a dark room....she prolly wont follow through with it, but mannnn that would be so tight if she did....i would rather have that than a car of my own....but then again, i hate driving.
as for my homelife....its naturally getting a bit more...hectic. The other night they faught for a good hour and a half...i listend to the whole thing, they didnt even notice me in the other room...they were to caught up in their bickering....they werent really fighting about anything important or significant, just fighting for the sake of it i guess...its not taht bad, i know alot of ppl have it worse, but i just wish they would be more honest with eachother and bret and i...
Bret is another thing im worried about....i havent told many ppl this, but, he is in 8th grade, and his best friend is my dad....which i guess is cute to some ppl. but it just grosses me out.....EVERYTHING my dad says bret agrees with...even stupid stuff like switching how he orders his burger if my dad orders his differntly....on the weekends they go to movies together, (without mom and i) and if not the movies, they go out on the boat or something...It may sound like im jealous, but i really am not...i mean my dad even sleeps in the spare bed in brets room....bret is fucking 13 years old....he has only a few friends now because he ditches most of them to hangout wtih my dad also fights brets battles for him and when bret speaks out with his opinion my dad always corrrects him....its fucking discusting....and my mom and i both see it happening, but when my mom confronts my dad about it, he gets all defensive and flys off the handle....and im afraid if i talk to bret, he'll just tell my dad and ill end up fighting him....bleh, i dont know, they need help...we all do.
sorry about rambling on just really hurts me....
i miss daydreaming, alot, but not nearly as much as i miss writing, i havent written since June13th whcih is a record for me..i dont get it, i have so much to express right now, but it just wont happen....
i know i may seem a bit down right now, but im ok....really, i just thinking alot latly.
i know i have been posting alot of lyrics latly, im sorry if its annoying...but i have to post theese is probably one of the most beautiful songs i have ever herd..definitly the best relitivly new slowish song i have should take the time to read the lyrics, and listen to the song if you can download really is
"Those to Come" by The Shins
Eyeless in the morning sun you were
Pale and mild, a modern girl
Taken with thought, still prone to care
Makin tea in your underwear
You went out in the yard to find
Something to eat and clear your mind
Something bad inside me went away
Quaking leaves and broken light
Shifting skin the coming night
The bearers of all good things arrive
Climb inside us, twist and cry
A kiss on your molten eyes
Myriad lives like blades of grass
Yet to be realized, bow as they pass
They are cold,
Waiting in the ether,
To form,
Only to die
They'll end,
And strangely
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