hahahhahaha so many laughs
random pic. balancing act?!
oookie dokie. well, for the past couple of days i've been packing up my room in boxes of all sizes. my mom and her b/f are breaking up and so since they share the house, it's disappearing from the picture as well. i'm kind of bummed b/c i like the house just not the inhabitants. that's kind of selfish of me to say though. iiiidk, after 7 years of living together i'd imagine that we could at least carry normal conversations with e/o, but it's hardly even small talk. rarely. other then family business, my summer has basically been all that i wanted out of it. :)
1 & 2 - grad night
3 - boomers w/ purnell, libs, ali, & phill
4 & 5 - del mar fair w/ keriann, purnell, kyle, & ali
DEL MAR FAIR 2006!!! :D
when we were finally ready to go to the del mar fair, keriann's bug basically had a heart attack. so her mom and AAA saved us. in the end, we took her mom's car. yay
long line under the sun = SKLGjnsfklh
my favorite ride at the fair- TECHNO POWER!
i was basically keriann's photographer :)
weeeeh. unfortunately i didn't go on that one
it's like last years, but different.
this was another fun one.
makes you laugh just as much as techno power
you can't help but smile when ur on those rides
i like this post b/c keriann's so smiley in most of the pics
saw mazen and lena!
as well as jenny, libs, gillian, and some other familiar faces
"hey buttface!"
hahaha at ali's face
goo goo dolls & counting crows
libby and her mom took me to the concert as a graduation present
i liked seeing all the old drunk ladies dance ;)
going to hong kong in about 9 or 8 days. sick.