we had a mini hotel get together. it started w/ about 10 ppl? a bunch of weird people showed up in the end and it was like whhhat. i was in my own world.
trying to take a decent picture
hiding from the bad angle
first attempt to make a fire ball when he finally did it, i didnt take a pic but it was siiicck
ran out of cups, ice bucket!
and then i made this one b&w just becauuuseee
haha examining the cigar
i like this one b/c they look really happy
i think its time for me to wear more makeup
i like her purrrsee
well, another weekend has passed, or is about to pass. i looked back at all my pictures from last year and the year before, and boy am i embaressed. i'll probably look back at these and feel the same way. at least i won't feel as dorky. when i had my braces i think it made me look 436 times stupider. so i deleted one of my photobucket accounts and started afresh. i've been drawing a lot lately and i wish i was more patient with all the pieces i do. i need to work on my driver's ed.