Got back from some really bad slayage tonight. I was out there and about ten vampires decided to gang up on me. I could handle it though, and I did. I mean I am the Slayer after all.
So there we were, fighting as is usually accustomed to slaying and they couldn't seem to get it through their soon-dusted heads that "Vampire Slayer" means I'm going to slay them. There were a few quips and soon they were all dust... or so I thought.
I didn't count right and then one of them got me from behind. More fighting and poof, dusted. I was actually quite proud of myself at that moment. 10 vampires and not a scratch on me. Score one for Buffy!
Now I'm back home and enjoying the lack of movement that sitting down requires. Dawn's asleep and has been since before I got back. I've got the TV on and watching some old karate flick and criticizing their fighting. Always fun. Might fall asleep in the middle of it though. One can only stay awake so long during a subtitled film where you can't understand a word the people are saying. Not that I'm saying those films aren't good, some are, but after patrolling they aren't exactly the caffine of the movie world.