(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 20:48

Okay well I havent wrote for a while on accounta ive been bored and stuff.


Health: We did some stupid excersise on making up a healthy menu. Like I can even EAT it. So me, Taylor and Amy looked at portfolios and we read Evans with a note from Mariah and some chick confessing their love for him and presenting a Britney Spears sticker on the note. It was amazing. I hate Mariah though. Meh. Can't please everyone.

Phys Ed.: We did fucking shuttle fucking fitness. I hate shuttle fitness with a passion. I don't even try have the time. It's fucking stupid.

Break: I talked to Charlotte and Anna. And Adam kept bugging me. Fucking annoying fat lard.

Anglais: I read the hockey book to Miranda and Hannah until they wanted to read. Then Hannah threw Mirandas book over the railing and said it was Leesa Gregory's agenda. Even after Hannah told Miranda she threw her agenda down there (along with her Math text book) Miranda still thought Leesa's was down there. Haha.

Lunch: I copyed my math homework from the back of the text book. I also talked to Charlotte, Anna, Courtney and Whitney at lunch. Yup. Fun fun.

Math: I fucking hate math. We had to do some stupid sheet for Mr. Poirier. I still don't understand everything. And the rest of it was for homework which I haven't done yet. Go figure.

Science: We cleaned up our pumpkins that were rotting. It smelled like fucking beer in our classroom. Hannah and Miranda were ruining my model cell and I was getting pissed. Very pissed.

Francais: Well..me and Miranda and Hannah 'worked' on the project. Not really. Oh well.

ASAP: I spent the whole ASAP getting hockey pictures for our french project. Yeah. I'm actually starting to like hockey now.

After School: Erika and me annoyed Aaron <3 and Justin R after school. Aaron <3 gave us his nibs. Then we got to my house (new house) and we ate a bit of halloween candy and talked and played Bop It Extreame 2 and computer pinball.

And I got my internet back!!! XD

I'm taking this from Lauren's (_xbasketcase) journal. Sue me.

First best friend: Kimmy, Valerie, Amy and Charlotte. Technically Kimmy's a pregnant 16 year old and Valeries a drugged up 14 year old, and I haven't seen Amy since 1996. So that leaves Charlotte.
First job: Paper Carrier I think..ooh what a way to make a living.
First screen name: wildorchid466
First self purchased album: I don't know..probably like the spice girls or something
First crush: Hm..it was rather Joey Boulanger in grade 2 or Matt Thompson in grade 3. Just so disgusting.
First funeral: My great-grammys when I was 9..or maybe my great grampys when I was 5. Can't remember.
First piercing: Ears when I was 5.
First credit card: None yet
First true love: Well REAL love was Joseph Frank Babcock. But I thought I was in love with Aaron Donahue (not the aaron mentioned above), Joey Boulanger and Matt Thompson in grade 5. But thats just gross.
First enemy: I think it was the kid me and Amy used to yell at when he drove by on his bike..that was when we were 3 or 4..we had very peculiar names for him..(I just typed 'for it')
First big trip: Ontario, Canada
First play/musical/performance: Kindergarten

Last cigarette: never had one
Last car ride: this morning, to school.
Last bus ride: Last thursday
Last good cry: 2 weeks ago
Last library book: some Spiderwick cronicle book
Last movie seen: Hm..The Thing Called Love I think..it was like the weekend before last.
Last beverage drank: Pepsi
Last food consumed: Potatoes and carrots
Last Crush: Aaron <3
Last phone call: Hannah
Last tv show watched: Mysetery Hunters this morning
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my converse.
Last annoyance: Someone kept calling and hanging up after 1 ring.
Last disappointment: Dont know
Last ice cream eaten: Dont remember..it was like last summer
Last shirt worn: Future Celebrity shirt..can we say PREP shirt?!? That's what happens when you don't got much cleaned.
Last website visited: Laurens lj.
Last Persons talked to/chatted with: Whitney

a p p e a r a n c e
height: 5'4 1/2
hair color: black/blue
eye color: grey
piercings: 4
tattoos: none

r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: blue jeans
what song are you listening to? my typing?
what taste is in your mouth?: like a medicated foot lotion. Very faintly.
what's the weather like?: Dark?
how are you?: Bored/Overloaded

d o y o u
get motion sickness?: Sometimes..
have a bad habit?: bitting my nails
get along with your parent[s]? Not usually
like to drive?: I don't do driving.

f a v o r i t e s
tv show: none
conditioner: Down under naturals
book: the body
non alcoholic drink: pepsi/water/kool-aid
alcoholic drink: I dont drink
thing to do on the weekend: idk, hang out with my friends
band or group or singer or rapper: too many to name
h a v e y o u
broken the law: yes
ran away from home: Nope
snuck out of the house: No
ever gone skinny dipping: Nope
made a prank phone call: yes
ever tipped over a porta potty: ew no
used your parents' credit card before: nope
skipped school before: yes
fell asleep in the shower/bath: yup..my mom has the picture to prove it.
been in a school play: yes
let a friend cry on your shoulder: Nope

l o v e
boyfriend: Noo
girlfriend: nope... damn.
sexuality: straight
children: not yet..
current crush: Aaron
been in love: Yep
had a hard time getting over someone: ... thats a understatement
been hurt: Yes
your greatest regret: No comment.
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: No.

r a n d o m
do you have a job: no
your cd player has in it right now: Detroit Rock City soundtrack and my MCR cd..I never get enough of it
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: black or grey.
what makes you happy: music, my friends, animals, uh..
who makes you happiest: Whitney or Erika
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: I dont know
who do you consider good friends?: Erika, Whitney, Megan, Ally, Charlotte, Hannah, Miranda, Laura, Lauren, Chelsea, Trisha, more people.

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: when I dumped Jordie
you got a real letter?: Dont know
you got e-mail: today
thing you purchased: Medium pop at the bowling alley yesterday
tv program you watched: Hockey. Right now. Go Detroit!
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