Apr 03, 2005 20:39
So I am home now...my computer upstairs still isnt working so i have to use this computer downstairs which is absolute crap. I can't even post the pictures that i have from mexico, how sad? I have liek sooo many too. I took like 100 pics no joke. So, I got home yesterday..thank god my luggage and everyone elses arrived in detroit. That was a big relief. Josh came to the airport with my mom and dad, I was so excited. Then we went back home and we jsut watched tv for a bit. We took him home around 11 and then i fell asleep in the car. Today Josh came over again and we just hung out...saw my grandparerents random stuff like that. I'm happy to be back in my own bed. I finally feel clean afgter taking a shower in my own shower. And I love how I can brush my teeth out of the water in the sink. I got so sick of using bottled water to brush my teeth. I do miss some of the people that lisa and I met in mexico...I mean i dont even know if im gonna even talk to them ever again. Its kinda sad how u can meet someone and talk to them for like sooo long and feel like you know them really well and then just never see or hear from them again. I duno I am just really glad I went. It was an amazing experiance and wow was it
BOO-TEA-FUL! If I wasn't home right now I would be walking along the beach or sitting by the pool with lisa and my BananaMamma...god damn i miss those they were supper yummy. Well..thats all for this update. Hopeuflly ill be able to post pics soon. Oh joy...school tomorrow. Goodbye Springbreak. :-(