Nov 22, 2005 17:03
I'm finally back on LJ woot. My main motivation is my awesome friend Cael whom I love dearly.
Fucking horrid day today. First off one of my friends(named witheld) makes gay jokes when I'm around. I usually dont mind but they are getting out of hand and it's getting me mad. I am planning to talk to them about it because its just getting out of hand. Secondly, I am disgusted with the human race...well a little of it. I had an art teacher last year, Mrs. Fox. She is a really really good person and is sooo extremely nice. So I stayed after school and she walked by these kids who were supposed to be working on a project for her and shes like "Arent you supposed to be working?" then they gave her like a stupid excuse. When she walked away they made fun of her. They called her a fat bitch, etc. Me and my friend Kaitlyn were so mad. We were like "Hmmm way to act mature calling a pregnant lady fat...Stupid Freshmen". And as we walked away they made fake gun noises while pretending to shoot us. It was truly pathetic. Anyways.... Thirdly I have hit my boiling point today. I take alot of shit from people, between crew(getting shit about the way I dress and what music etc I'm into) and just all around(from my brother and father and random assholes around the school). When I walked into AP Studio Art to model for the artists which i do EVERYDAY even if Im not modeling that day I just watch and learn cuz im and aspiring artist being in honors and all. And this fucking kid...lets name him hevin holbe(ha ha) starts giving me shit. He's like "You don't belong here ...etc.." and I'm like " umm I don't bother you so shut up" and hes like"your just so fucking annoying. Then all my friends (mariessa,maria,alaina,tori and emilee) stood up for me. Then I was llike"well alaina isnt in the class but she still comes to watch" and his stupid reply was "well shes an upperclassman" and i was like"I am an upperclassmen!" and then hes like "But your just a fucking queer"ohhh I was sooo pissed.Lol then Mariessa bitched him out telling him how hes a moron and immature person.*hugs to mariessa* Okay then what really made me mad was this other kid..... lets call him bohnathan bally. Well Bohn is an ass and yelled to me in the hallway " Hey chris! Your a homosexual" to which I replied "Thankyou!" and he shut up...but then he persisted to talk to me alittle while later and tell me about how my old boss talked shit about me....GIRRR...I fucking hated my boss but now I even hate him more. Hes a loser. He is 25 and makes fun of all his employees. He made like 3 girls cry because he made fun of them..grr. I want to hit him but I want to be mature..Then what REALLY put everything over the top was Mrs. Halloway aka fire-breathing-dragon. She comes into our honors studio II class and looks at the four honors kids and sees Joe doing nothing cuz hes done(he takes his stuff home EVERYDAY cuz he has nothing else to do) and comes over to mine and is like " you are making no progress" and im like "yea... because i had to do this one part over 3 times" and shes like "thats no excuse you should be done by now!" SHES NOT EVEN OUR TEACHER AND SHES TRYING TO CRITIZIZE US?WTF... i got so angry i was just freaking out...then Mrs. LeBlanc came over...god I love her shes soo nice. and talked to me about it and said she would talk to Mrs. Halloway and tell her to stop coming into our class. Ohh and Mrs. Halloway probably will get fired so I'm Glad. Then Mrs. Fox came in and complimented our peices and it made me really happy...So anyways I feel so much better now and I realize not everyone in this world is nice and that I might not do crew because 50% of the guys on the crew team are assholes and yea.... Ciao by they way... HAPPY VACATION.
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