Aug 28, 2005 12:07
Long time no update so here it is.
I'm having a bad week and it sucks. I had my birthday party on Saturday which was awesome, but Staples schedualed me to work then. So on Thursday at work I said to both managers that I couldn't work and that I needed someone to cover my shift. They shrugged and said, "That's not our problem it's yours. Good luck". I was so pissed. So then on Friday I call in and talk to Sean who is a cool manager. He said that since its back to school that he needs me even though there is ALOT of people working that time. So I call in Saturday and tell him I can't be there and I talk to Ken this time who is a jack-ass and a half. His reply was,"I am very mad. I am trying to run a buisness here and you are making it harder. You are on probation(I can't remmeber exactly what he said but it was something like that)". So I just said bye then hung up. So I woke up this morning and I was like Oh Shit. The Avril Lavigne Concert is tommorow. So I called in and talked to Dave another nice manager. I accidently said that my friend invited me somewhere even though I should have said that I had family buisness but whatever. So I asked if I could get someone to work for me and he said no. So he said if I went I would be fired. So I said okay I will go to work then. So I called Brooke(friend and co-worker whos also on crew) and told her my dilemma and asked her if she could help me. She called in and found out she had 3-9 shift everyday of the week. She can't work that because of crew so he got angry with her even more when she said she can only work 1 night a week. So I was feeling real bad because I almost just got fired and I thought my Mom would kill me. So I was really worried so I called my mom. Thank God for my mom. I love her even though we fight sometimes I still love her. I told her my story and she told me not to worry about it and we will figure it out. It made me feel so much better. She has a great way of making me feel so much better.. sometimes.
Well I'm off to eat lunch with my Nana who I love. I'll update about my party when I get back.