Feb 14, 2005 22:52
hey there.2day was ok.school sucks as always.im gunna get left back in 11thgrade bc i have serious cutting issues lol..but yeah. i hate valentines day so much. probably bc i dont have ne1 2 spend it with but yeah it sucks..buit 2 everyone that likes it happy fucking valentines day haha. but i did get 2 go out on a date with the lovely jennifer bc i stole her away from her bf..nd we had wild aniaml sex in her bed nd taped it.;op...not really but yeah haha. than at like 10 dan came over nd we attempted 2 make braclets nd shizzzyyyy.than at like 1045 he drove me home in his new carrr which is hawwwwttt. haha..yah nd now im here. nd thats the way the cookie crumbles peace.
the fucking day after friday nigaaaaaaaaaaa