Feb 16, 2005 22:05
Everyone is going snowboarding this weekend but me. We have a long weekend and everyones leaving me :( I have to work. I tried to get Dave to fire me today but he just wouldn't do it.
I cut my nail at work the last weekend, like straight through my nail, it's nasty, and I've been wearing bandaids since then and I just took the band aid off. I'm bored. No school for 5 days, I might go shopping. Iwas suppose to go to Montana with Emily, but nooo I have to work. I'll go next long weekend.
Dude, I got like 65 in tips. haha, wow. that's like a new pair of shoes.
I can't wait for the summer! Stampeed, Em's cabin, Seattle with Katy road trip to Victoria :P I get my liscence, my birthday. I think I'm going to have a good summmer.
Pretty much I'm just writing about random stuff cause I have nothing else to do. I'm going to my grandparents tomorrow, hopefully they won't want me to stay late. I dunno if me and nichole are going to the show, cause it'd just be me and her, but I really want to gooooo. Maybe I will.
I'm going to have a little scar on my thumb.. haha I HATE THE KEG :)