(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 17:08

wow im super bored so i just decided to post a post!! lol obviously
yeah last entry i 4got to say that @ camp i got EATEN ALIVE... by mosquitoes!
i have 41 bites on my ARMS alone!!! yeah that GROSS!!!
so i had a blast on when was it umm tuesday with marc and kaitlyn!! so fun!! yeah thers not much 2 say except 4 i had a BLAST! but i already said that so yeah :) oh BTW we realized why teh pool was soo "refreshing" its becasue the stupid heater is BROKEN!!!!
so im bored so im gonna fill out a thingie

What is your full name? Brittany Lauren Sherwood
What does your name mean? uhh Strong one laurel tree that lives in a forest
Who picked out your name? my parents
What's your nickname? britt
What color are your eyes? brown
What size are your shoes? uhh do u really wanna kno womens 11, mens 10
How tall (or short) well i just measured like 2 weekends ago im 5"9
Scariest moment of your life: SNORKELING WITH SHARKS!
Funniest moment of your life: too many
What is your worst quality: i donno i talk 2 much i donno other ppl would kno that 1
What are the last four digits of your phone number? 8797
Hair color? black... well in the summer dark brown
Do you wear contacts? NOPE


Favorite Drink? umm i donno coke...a cola
Favorite alcoholic Drink? umm i dont drink i dont even wanna imagine that
Favorite Month? i donno either the suummer like july or ma b day.. november
Favorite Food? i donno
Favorite Board Game? i dont really play board games but i guess monopolyu even thought grade 2's beat me
Favorite day of the Year? ma b day or christmas i donno
Favorite color? umm red or pink maybe
Favorite Animal? dogs and giraffes

Do you have more girl friends or boy friends? girls
Do you tell your secrets to your parents or your friends more? umm well my mom kinda tells ppl stuff but she sorta clears it with me but i can trust my firends well most of them
Anything special about your parents? umm i donno there nice?

Siblings and their ages? brother --> 12 turning 13 in october


You're a flirt? NOPE
You're slutty? uhh No way
You like someone? nope not curently
You can keep secrets? yeah
You dance in front of the mirror? umm i donno maybe the random time so sure it sfun acting like an idiot
you sing in the shower? yup sometimes if im in a good mood
You've been in the opposite sexes bathroom? umm yeah but not with them OBVIOUSLY
You've seriously hurt someone? i'd like to think not
You sure? i think ?!?
You get your way? depends on the situation sometimes others not
You're willing to try new things? umm depending on what it is im kinda adventerous
You've cheated on a test? nope.. well yeah last year in french but who didnt
You've smoked? eeww nope the smell makes me have a friggin heart attack

What are you wearing? roots white top with a heart on it and ma pink bording shorts
What color are your pants? pink/brown/white
What are you listening to? its tricky--> from white chicks
How are you feeling? fine i donno bored
What are you doing? nothign in doing this
What are you eating? nothign
How many people are online? 23 ppl
What time is it? 5:17m
How's the weather? sunny
What's on your mouse pad? its green but the kewl 1 has a pic of m ma dad n ma bro we gave it 2 him 4 fathers day


How many lip glosses do you have? 2 many 2 count
What perfume do you use? i dont really have n e just those cheap 1's i think calgone
What's in your purse? cell fone, lip gloss n too much other stuff
Blonde or brunette guys? ?? i donno i dont care
Good or bad boy? not tooo bad or too god so i gues a mix
Boxers showing? umm i dont really care i dont really look
Long hair or short hair on boys? it depends
What do you find annoying in a guy? cookiness like all into themselves
What's the first thing you notice about guys? umm i dono


What kind of cologne do you use?

What's in your pockets?

Boxers or briefs?

Blonde or brunette girls?

Tall or short girls?

Piercing on girls :

Hot or not?

Long or short hair on girls?

Good or bad girl?

What do you find annoying in girls?


What was the last movie you saw? uhh MC2
What are you hoping for?2 i donno to go 2 HAWWII
Have you ever fallen asleep in school? i dont think so
Tell us about that scar: ..............?? umm i burned myself with a gluegun and yeah the skin turned white and it left a mark.. if thats the 1 there talking about
Where is your favorite place to travel? umm i havent been n e where fabulous but i wanna go 2 hawwii
What was the last thing you ate? umm a cookie i made
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? umm ma neighbour
Ever had a crush on a teacher? eewww nooo
Are you too shy to ask someone out? i'd like to wait 4 some1 2 ask me out liek the tradition ols skewl way :)
Scary movies or happy ending? happy ending
Summer or winter? summer except 4 the snow mountain on ma court
Relationships or one night stands? relationships who wants to be stood uop after 1 night common
Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
Do you want your friends to write back? sure if they want to
Who is most likely to respond? umm i donno whoevers on
Who is least likely to respond? donno some1 on vacation
What did you do last night? umm what did i do.. oh yeah i watched TV and played outside n went to Shoppers drug mart cause ma bro wanted to get chewy candy b4 he got braces (which he got 2day)

yeha hoppe u liked that
yeah if n e 1's ever bored call me
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