jus got bak from target!!!

May 12, 2005 18:35

hmm well lets see today was twin day..very cute took lots of pic's!!
got home.. n i went to target n got 4 NEW BRA'S!!..hehe n then i went to ross n i got myself PJ pants for tommrow ima look soo cute with my lil cherrie pants! n im gonna be taken pic's so look cute!
kkk ima do this thing i got it from jacki..

1 - barbara
2 - sam
3 - jacki
4 - sabrina h
5 - gaston
6 - krystal
7 - sabrina a
8 - jonathon
9 - chanel
10 - kolton
11 - ash
12 - erica
13 - sebastian
14 - zabrina
15 - kathy
16 - jeffrey
17 - brandon
18 - mary
19 - antony
20 - danielle

Who is #8 going out with? no one...:-/
Is #9 a boy or a girl? girl..i think.haha jus kidding
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? yes sexy!!lol
How about #18 and #4? hmmm. maybe
What grade is #17 in? 8th
When was the last time you talked to #12? lunch
What is #6's favorite band? i dont think she has one.
Does #1 have any siblings? yea
Would you ever date #3? hehehe
Would you ever date #7? of course
Is #16 single? no
What's #15's last name? rodriguez
What's #10's middle name? hmmm good ?
What's #5's favorite thing to do? Cubanpimp9999: talk to krystal
Is #13 hot? somtimes..lol
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? eww no
What school does #20 go to? odyssey
Tell me a random fact about #11? he didn't do his hair today..lol
And #1: her boobs are big.
And #3: she is sitting right next to me..
Have you ever had a crush on #15? not that i remeber
Where does #9 live? north shore lake hart..i think
What's #4's favorite color? blue
Would you make out with #14? no that would be a younge lady.
Are #5 & #6 best friends? awww yes there lovers
Does #7 like #20? yeah i guess
Does #8 like #19? dont think soo
How did you meet #2? school!!!
How did you meet #18? school n she was in my dance class when we were little!!!
Does #10 have any pets?ummm maybe if u count alyssa..haha
Is #12 older than you? yes
Have oral relations with #3? umm no sry. cant say that i do
Is #17 the sexiest person alive? YEAHHH BABY OF COURSE!!!!

well i love yall

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